Friday, December 23, 2016

Merry Christmas to All

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, coffee couple, christmas, coal, democrats, 2016

We don't need to elaborate much on the cartoon above - after 8 years, you already know the kind of people who Hope n' Change thinks deserve a permanent place on Santa's "really, really naughty" list.

So let's just move on to wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! We're going to take just a few days off to enjoy family, friends, and this wonderful season, and we'll return on Wednesday the 28th with new ruminations on whatever insanity occurs between now and then.

Please know that we're not exaggerating when we say we consider you to be an important part of the big Hope n' Change family. Your comments, camaraderie, wisdom and humor are gifts we enjoy all year long and we're sincerely thankful. Have a great holiday, and see you back here soon!


  1. A most blessed Christmas to you and your loved ones.

  2. Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Bless you all.

  3. Merry Christmas to you and your family and all friends here.

  4. ...Merry Christmas to you and yours....I look forward to seeing your new cartoons each week!...

  5. Live long and prosper No floppy clown shoe on the neck to hold you down anymore.

  6. Merry Christmas to the family Stilt. Hey! If we're all part of the family then you won't mind if we show up for Christmas dinner, right?

  7. Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noël, Feliz Navidad, and Ho - F'ing - Ho!

  8. Merry Christmas to you and your family, too, Stilton, and to all your readers as well. Thank you for making us laugh and think.

  9. Happy Christmas & Merry New Year...
    More eggnog, please.

    For my fellow Jewish readers:

    Pick the letters you want... I'm REALLY tired of trying to figure out the correct spelling!

  10. Merry Christmas to all of the Hn'C deplorables, all of us redeemable by the way.

  11. Here's wishing a Merry and Blessed Christmas to everyone at HopeN'Change. I have commented before on this, but I'll do it again.
    Do not underestimate the part you played in saving this country from the evil of HRC. Please do not let up, help us keep the new POTUS on the 'right' path.

    Roger Myers
    Justin TX

  12. Merry Christmas to all!

  13. And Very Merry Christmas to each and everyone of you.
    May you continue to be blessed richly this solemn yet joyous holiday.
    May the spirit of Christmas be with y'all

  14. Stilton, A WELL deserved rest and rejuvenation for you and yours. Thank you for all you have invested in OUR lives, buddy.

  15. Justin TX?
    Why you're just a couple of hemlocks over in between Doc and me.

  16. Back at you-seems it is the season to be Merry!

  17. Merry Christmas to you and the family, always look forward to new material !!!

  18. Merry Christmas Stilton and family and everyone here at HNC. God bless.

  19. Stilton throughout all of these long eight years, I have turned to you for some comedic relief from the madness of the so-called Hope 'N Change guy.
    I wish you and your family a "wonder"ful Christmas filled with real Hope for a much better America going forward.
    Thanks for all you do to keep our faith, our sanity, and our focus.
    Merry Christmas,
    Irene - an eight-year follower of your messages.

  20. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

  21. What more could I add?? Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all & America the Beautiful.

  22. In a spirit of goodwill for all, here's hooing that Barry Sotero gets that cute little goat he's had his eye on for Kwanza!

  23. Merry Christmas and may God Bless you and your family Stilt & all HnC Family.

  24. Merry Christmas to you and yours.


  25. Merry Christmas, Stilton.
    Here's to hoping your next post will be a funny one.

  26. Stilton,

    You gifts throughout the year are priceless. Merry Christmas to you and your family. And let's not forget today is Festivus, for the rest of us.

    Jim Gould

  27. Mega dittos to all said above by my fellow Hope'n'Changers. May you all have a very blessed Christmas, and a New Year that surpasses all of our expectations. I hate to wish time away, but January 20 can't come soon enough. I'm like a kid on Christmas Eve who may get actual presents this year instead of the usual lumps of coal.

    And... maybe it's wrong, but this Christmas I am partaking of a certain amount of joy derived from knowing how crappy it is for the moonbats, snowflakes, and HILLARY! I hope they remember that when you push reasonable people far enough, they eventually push back.

  28. Merry Christmas, Stilton, to you, Mrs. J. and Daughter J., as well as all your other fans and commenters here at HnC. I think we all got our Christmas wish this year with the glorious election of Trump, the end of the Obama scourge and the banishment to the dustbin of history of that deplorable shrew. And I'm especially happy all the tolerant libs will get their lumps of coal since they detest it so much.

  29. Perhaps God will bless the Democrats with acceptance of the reality that Trump won the election. May He bless us with peace and joy, our soldiers with peace and safety, and our new President with wisdom, strength and courage.

  30. Not wishing to put a damper on everyone's celebration of Trump beating the bejesus out of Hillary, but if memory and history serves, Hitler rode into power on almost the same wave as the Donald is now.
    I am not saying that I would prefer that Clinton won or that I do not believe that Trump will do some good for our country. I merely state that I voted for neither, and do not see how one billionaire can possibly have my well being in mind over the other billionaire.

  31. Stilton, thank you so very much for all the pleasure you give to so many of us. You never fail to please.... dang us conservatives and our slick sick senses of humour.

    May you and your lovely family enjoy each other and face a good new year. For the first time, the election of an American President has given this Canadian a reason to smile when the new year comes. He may be flawed and I guarantee you that we will ALL be upset at him at some point over the times to come, but he is the face of a change that HAD to come if we are to survive.

    Meanwhile up in Canada, we have liberal paradise with Justin Trudeau. Stilton, PLEASE feel free to make fun of that idiot... PLEASE!

  32. I must edit my previous post. The Clinton's are not billionaires. They are millionaires. Their combined worth is only in the $50 million dollar range. Therefore, they must be able to much better relate to my "hundredaire" level of income.

  33. Merry Christmas from the Red River Valley. (About one hour north of you on North Central Expressway/Hwy 75.)

  34. Merry Christmas, Stilton, to you,and yours. Fans are included.

    Your humor and art were shared with a close group of forward thinkers. We need to laugh at the absurdities and reality-detachment of the Left, and you deliver in a biggly way.

    The greatest present I've had in the last 8 years is that HCWNBPOTUS. My favorite country in the world, filled with producing, productive, successfully self-governed citizens, that went to the Moon multiple times with humans in command, was spared for now. The US of A is a revolutionary country, trying to escape from the arch-reactionary Left.

    Stilton, May every traffic light turn green as you approach.

  35. I echo the sincere sentiments of others in thanking you for the humor that has been able to keep us going through the insanity of the past many years! My you and your family have a truly special and joyous Christmas. I wish you and your family (especially Daughter J) a healthy 2017. And may your health insurance be a little more stable and a little more affordable and a little more worthwhile. Especially, Stilt, may your sense of humor exceed all our expectations!
    Take care, and Merry Christmas to everyone in the HNC family. God bless us, everyone!

  36. This is the time of year each of us can reflect on what has happened in our lives.
    For a Christmas analogy, this is the year I was hoping to get a Tesla (Ted Cruz). I was truly disappointed that Santa said he couldn't get the elves to produce that, but he gave me a choice of a 1965 Buick with a blown engine, leaky transmission, and no headlamps (Clinton) or a 2012 Honda Accord (Trump).
    Glad I didn't get the Buick, but at least the Honda should be able to get me down the road for the next four years.
    Here's hoping that we all get a reliable ride into the future.
    And yeah, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. And Happy Hanukkah to our Jewish friends; hopefully relations between the USA and Israel will improve with a new administration.

  37. Merry Christmas to all; may the world enjoy a little peace for a few days.

  38. @Readers- What wonderful sentiments above! I feel like Jimmy Stewart at the end of "It's a Wonderful Life" when all of the townspeople showed up waving money (and here's an interesting trivia note: my brother is friends with the actress who played little Zuzu in that film; the young daughter with the flower petals). Not every comment above requires a direct response (other than a VERY sincere "thank you!" and "back atcha!") but some need an extra word or two. So here we go...

    @Jim Irre- Sure, you can show up for Christmas dinner as long as you bring a bottle of scotch old enough to have its own drivers license (grin).

    @Dr. Roger Harris- A very happy Hanukkah to you, sir...and my apologies for not having originally mentioned Hanukkah in today's post (which I've since corrected).

    @Roger Myers- I don't think I played much of a role in Hillary's defeat, but I'll grant that I've at least tried to keep people on our team laughing, informed, and feisty over the past 8 years.

    @Irene Peduto- You're a long-timer here and I feel like we've shared a lot of time in the foxholes together with liberal shells whizzing overhead. I'm so glad I was able to help keep folks' morale up during these years!

    @DougM- Hey, I'm hoping my next post will be a funny one, too! And let me thank you for all the work you put in over at the always fun and feisty Knowledge is Power blog. For any readers who aren't visiting regularly, you really should be!

    @Jim G- Happy (?) Festivus to you, too. And now, let's move immediately to the Airing of the Grievances.

    @Colby Muenster- I yearn passionately for January 20th. Oh, it's fine that Trump is being inaugurated, but for me the real prize is Obama leaving.

    And I'm also very much enjoying the pain and agonized squeals from the left. Which would be cruel of me except for the fact that I believe that life is actually going to get better for these crybabies, so their angst is self-inflicted.

    @Geoff King- I think it's pretty clear to all regular readers here that I'm not expecting miracles out of Donald Trump. But I believe he will do some good for the country (and make mistakes, too). I view the future with uncertainty - but that's preferable to what the alternative was.

    @Noor al Haqiqa- I'm not sure that I'd previously caught the fact that you're Canadian, so let me send my personal condolences for Justin Trudeau. And I think you've expressed my feelings about Trump very well - it's going to be a wild and bumpy ride, but no real "change" could occur without it.

    @Geoff King- Barry has repeatedly established that anyone making over $250,000 a year falls into the "millionaire and billionaire" class, so I think you were on safe ground.

    @NaCly Dog (love the name!)- "Spared for now" doesn't seem like much of an achievement, but it's feeling pretty sweet at the moment. And once I deciphered HCWNBPOTUS, it put a wide grin on my face.

    @Cookie- Our daughter is here with us for the holidays and we're all doing well, thank you. And after receiving my 10th ID card from Blue Cross the other day, I called them and finally got it straightened out (albeit not at a better price). By the way, of the 10 cards I got, the last one was the ONLY one that had the correct information on it. Yeesh.

    @NVRick- Hey, I just bought myself a 2012 Accord and it's a pretty sweet ride! And yes, here's hoping that the Trump administration will rebuild our relationship with Israel after the battering and duplicity of the last 8 years.

    @John the Econ- I couldn't ask for any better present.

  39. I got my wife a new Toyota RAV4 Limited with all the bells and whistles. It should last the rest of our lives since we drive about 4K miles a year. Writing that check made my fingers hurt. Now, Stilt: I was wanting a SMS of legal age but Christmas is not over yet.

  40. Merry Christmas to all the Hope and Change Cartoons community. Dennis Prager has a compelling argument here,

  41. I hope you folks at Hope & Change Cartoons had a Merry Christmas.
    I love your blog and cartoons.
    Keep up the good work and best wishes to all of you and to my fellow followers in the upcoming New Year!


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