Saturday, May 30, 2009

C'mon Get Happy!

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Although a "Happy Tax" is intended as a joke, we here at Hope n' Change are just a bit concerned to even mention it, in case it catches the President's attention. On the positive side, there's less to be happy about every day...


  1. Its the same principle of taxing the rich I suppose...the more the taxes, the less rich there are to tax. Same thing with any "happy tax".... of course for those of us who like cheeseburgers and fries, I think they've already tried to add "happy tax". Or is that Happy MEAL tax?

  2. Meanwhile, the happy gremlins in the Obama administration are putting together proposals to tax employer-provided health benefits (thereby making currently affordable healthcare less affordable), and to institute a so-called "Value Added Tax" (VAT) which would be a national sales tax on everything you buy, whether it's a Happy Meal or a wheelchair.

  3. Experts actually say a VAT would be a good tax system as its impossible to evade (for the most part) and it would be the most "fair" system. The problem is that ideally it would be the ONLY tax system. The bad thing here is that Obama wants to add it on TOP of everything else, which makes it oppressive.

  4. You're exactly right. It's reasonable to suggest a VAT instead of an income tax. But to have both would be a crushing financial blow to the economy and individuals. No one would benefit except, oh yeah, the government...which would have more money to play with, and more people becoming dependent on government services.
