Friday, May 29, 2009

Janet Napolitano

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Despite Napolitano's assertion that the real threat to America comes from, oh, readers of Hope n' Change, it turns out that radical muslims with C4 explosives and a stinger missile can be a problem too. No doubt they're just angry from the bad old days when they were being unfairly profiled...


  1. Oh well, today they dropped the voter intimidation charges to that group of Black Panthers in Philly too.

    Whites are the new Jews I guess. Especially white Christians (see Bible study in San Diego)....

  2. Oh...and flying flags is offensive in Texas lately, too...I can't believe the news this week. *sigh*

  3. The Black Panther case is stunning. Four men, including one armed with a billy club, confronted voters with the express purpose of making sure a "black man is elected President." Their actions were videotaped, and the laws they violated are clear.

    But the black man who was elected President successfully arranged for all four men to walk away free this week, not even charged with a crime. The Black Panther with a billy club, incidentally, was a registered "poll watcher" for Barack Obama.

    The "post-racial" President is essentially saying "vote for Hope and Change, or I'll have someone beat the living hell out of you."


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