Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Nuke Nuke!

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The President would have confronted North Korea before they tested a nuclear bomb, but he was too busy forcing credit card companies to drop their bonus programs. Mission Accomplished, sir!


  1. North Korea is like a naughty child pushing boundaries...and suddenly realizes he's no longer with Dad but with an indulgent babysitter... and that's when it starts getting scary. I hope the "Dad" in this country comes home in time.

  2. Back in 1994, President Clinton came up with a creative way of getting the North Koreans to back off their weapons program: he arranged for them to get newer nuclear reactors.

    Of course, the spent fuel for those reactors is what is later refined to collect enough plutonium for bombs. Oopsy!

  3. "Oopsy"? Wow. And now onto a discussion about the current state of our school systems which are turning out "professionals" like this...????


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