Thursday, May 28, 2009

Quiz Time!

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For those of you keeping score, in these days of Hope n' Change it's considered a good thing to discriminate against people because of the color of their skin. Confusing, isn't it?


  1. Grrrr.

    NO COMMENT. I didn't see a spare soap box to climb up on laying around anywhere.

  2. I'm not sure which is more pathetic...

    You taking time to take a quote completely out of context to make a rather ignorant point...

    You taking the time to use said quote out of context and making a rather unfunny comic about it...

    That you have 16 people in your "Follower" list (seriously, how lacking in a sense of humor are these folks??!?!!?!)...

    Or me actually posting a comment under said unfunny/contextually-inaccurate comic.

  3. Well "Anonymous" (you bold person you), the quote is not out of context and is, to the contrary, germaine to Judge Sotomayor's rulings in cases regarding racial preferences (which is more important than the quote itself).

    If you have some information to the contrary, please share it with all the readers, rather than just whining/opining.


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