Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fine, Fine

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Despite the President's repeated promise that people can keep their existing health insurance plans if they like them, the Kennedy Bill has a nasty surprise: you (or your employer) will be fined unless you go with a government-approved plan. So you can keep your insurance, but you'll be fined. And you can drive 100 mph in a residential zone, but you'll be fined. And you can intimidate white voters with a nightstick, but you'll wait, that guy wasn't fined.


  1. Very punny! Love it.... hoping America will know better than to allow him to pass this junk.

  2. According to a poll from CBS & the NY Times (God help us), Americans are THRILLED with the proposed healthcare plan. Then again, over 70% were also happy with their health insurance just as it is, and they weren't asked how they'd feel about being FINED for carrying their own insurance.

  3. Any American "thrilled" with this proposed healthcare plan has his head in the sand. Or encased in concrete.

  4. The article citing the CBS/NY Times poll which touted such overwhelmingly glowing support for the healthcare plan admitted, in a short and fleeting sentence, that people who consider themselves well informed on the healthcare debate were much less in favor of Obama's plans. By the poll's own count, this was 22% of the people responding.

    In other words, the articles about the poll should have been headlined: "78% of Americans Clueless About Coming Healthcare Debacle."


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