Monday, June 22, 2009

Bean Counter, M.D.

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Besides the accusations above, the President also said that under his proposed healthcare plan, doctors will be paid less, will be forced to order fewer diagnostic tests, and will not be fully paid for patients who don't get better. Good luck finding an oncologist!


  1. Well don't forget, euthenasia is happening for those with no chance of getting better....and with that type of incentive, Doctors won't hestitate to do it, I'm sure.

    I have always been upset at the bad rap doctors get in general. They work their butts off in school for over a decade, pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in school loans and then again in malpractice insurance, and then work 60-80 hours a week, and get up in the middle of the night when our kids are sick...and then we begrudge them a nice home or car or a comfortable lifestyle? We want them to do all that on a "regular guy on the street, flipping burgers" salary?

    Better get off my soap box....because if we take away that comfortable lifestyle, we will no longer have anyone to get up in the middle of the night with our children or work all those hours for OUR benefit.

  2. When the government takes the incentive out of our "best and brightest" becoming doctors, then we will be getting the equivalent of "burger flippers" handling our medical needs...after a 6 month wait to see them.

  3. And don't expect any *real* meat on either end of that flipper......

  4. We have a president that has less real working experience that a burger flipper. He has never had a real job in his life.


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