Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Promises, Promises

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In these odd days of Hope n' Change, the President's firm promises "should not be taken literally." Sigh... Remember when words and promises actually meant something?


  1. Absolutely love your work!!!!

  2. Lookinferlearnin, thanks for the nice compliment! If you haven't already downloaded the FREE pdf ebook of the earliest cartoons, there's a link at the very bottom of every page.

    And for people who enjoy the cartoons here, the very best way you can say "thanks" is to let others know about the website. The longterm goal of Hope n' Change is to get big enough to be officially classified as a "minor annoyance" to the current administration.

  3. I'm going to remember that "Don't take me literally" thing. What's good for the goose.....

  4. Suzy, quite right! As in, "here are my complete tax returns - but they shouldn't be taken literally."

    This also makes Hope n' Change wonder what other promises the President has made that "shouldn't be taken literally." His oath of office? His marital vows? The mind boggles.

  5. "I am a naturalized citizen" "I am not a Muslim"

    Quite a list if you think about it. I don't feel like thinking about it. haha
