Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Bear Facts

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The EPA suppressed evidence that global warming isn't as big a problem as the Democrats made it out to be, until "Cap and Trade" could be (very quickly) voted on. And now we learn that polar bear populations aren't declining, and are in fact at optimum levels...and they just like standing on icebergs.

So remind us - why are the Democrats attempting to dismantle what's left of our economy?


  1. Love the lady with the cheesy grin....haha....

  2. "Pretending to be Leonardo di Caprio in Titanic"

    So, you DO admit it's a catastrophe! Heh.

  3. Proof - actually I was thinking of the "I'm the King of the World" scene, though now that you call my attention to it, I can see where the punchline is confusing. You know, like spelling Leonardo's name. DO'H!!

  4. For anyone baffled by the comments above, after Proof pointed out that my punchline was baffling AND spelled incorrectly, I decided to change the last panel entirely.

    So "Peeing in the Ocean" is a different ending... making the cartoon with the original punchline into a rare and valuable collector's item for those of you who were clever enough to download it to your own harddrives! WOW!

  5. Ebay, here I come!



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