Friday, July 3, 2009

Huge Pause

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Just as the Eskimos have 39 words that mean "snow," the President has approximately 1,000 phrases that mean... well...nothing at all. Regarding urgent international crises, his policies have consisted entirely of being given "huge pause," having "deep concerns," and feeling "not reconciled." That's not leadership - that's constipation.


  1. Readers - I didn't really intend to have our polar bear friend appear two days in a row, but when the President said he been given "huge pause," I had no choice!

  2. I love how the last frame leaves it open for a nice loud "groan". haha.

  3. Just found your blog today...I Love it! After some deep concerns that's I'm not fully reconciled with I've decided to book-mark it...

  4. Anonymous, welcome aboard...delighted to have you here! You can catch up on old cartoons in the archives, or download the "First 100 Daze" PDF ebook for free (just click on the book cover at the bottom of the page).


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