Sunday, July 26, 2009


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The "Blue Dog" democrats have stalled Obamacare in the House of Representatives by demanding that the plan include at least a marginally plausible explanation of how it can reduce healthcare costs. In return, the Democratic leadership has been smacking the Blue Dogs with rolled-up newspapers (and other media), while threatening to "rub your nose in it."


  1. The wheels are coming off. Grab some popcorn. Sit back and watch him fall :

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The true story of the frog in the saucepan:

  4. Mitch, the cartoon accurately points out that the current health insurance situation has problems that need fixing. Unfortunately, the overhaul - according to Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the man chosen by the president to implement changes - intends to solve those problems by denying care to senior citizens who are no longer "of use" to society, and making sure that even if no one will get good quality medical care in the future, at least no one will get better medical care than the poor. Except, oh yeah, politicians.


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