Saturday, July 25, 2009

Details, Details

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Seemingly no one has read the entire healthcare bill, with even the president saying he's "not familiar" with key provisions. Yet Obama and Pelosi continue to suggest that the bill is so urgent that it can't be delayed by thorough examination or debate.

Of course, this might be related to the fact that the more the bill is examined and debated, the less the American people like it. White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel still insists that a House vote will be taken before the August recess... presumably because the White House knows that support will erode even further when congresspersons have to face their increasingly scared and angry constituents.


  1. Blue Dogs: 'We are... trying to save this party'

  2. I guess the good thing is that they are getting desperate, as they see their time is running out (support is waning fast). Let's just hope they run out of support in time for the country to be saved.

  3. It's going to be a nail-biter if Rahm Emanuel is really able to force a vote next week. The pressure being put on the Blue Dogs has got to be enormous.

    Yet if the bill can be stopped...or even delayed until after the recess...we can actually hope that Obama will never again regain the (unearned) momentum which has carried him so close to his goal.

  4. I really think Obama is losing fast. I just hope the Blue Dogs can be solid under the pressure and not give up the country for their own safety or benefit.

    Speaking of safety, hopefully we won't start to find people turning up dead who didn't vote for wonder, sometimes, how Chicago organizers work.

  5. That's right, Stilt. Hope we will wake up from this nightmare :

  6. Suzy, hopefully we won't start seeing body bags involved in our politics for a while yet. Then again, you think about the St. Valentine's Day massacre as the classic example of doing it "old school" in Chicago...

    Philip, thanks for the link to the "I Own the World" cartoon - a good one!

  7. If they don't read the bills they pass, how much trouble would it be to get someone in the printing office to add a section repealing NFA '34, GCA '68 and FOPA '86?
