Friday, August 28, 2009

Put It On My Bill

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As a lasting memorial to Teddy Kennedy, Democrats are preparing to put his name on a healthcare bill that is bloated, unpopular, and sinking faster than a '67 Oldsmobile.

Hope n' Change
salutes the Democrats wry sense of humor.


  1. Laura Ingraham On Democrats Playing The Kennedy "Death Card" :

    Stilt, I know this is not about the thread but it's too disgusting. Here is what our WH is becoming :

  2. Philip, as always, your taste in links is impeccable. Readers, the second link above goes to a story about Obama's new "Green Jobs Czar," who was part of a September 12th vigil for Muslim victims of US imperialism.

    To be continued...

  3. What will be interesting to watch is if the Dems get to change the rules in the middle of the game YET AGAIN when it comes to filling Kennedy's seat....

  4. The "Der Kommissar" is in :

    Bill would give president emergency control of Internet

  5. Thanks Stilt. Here is another link in the subject:

    Kennedy 'joked about Chappaquiddick'



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