Monday, August 31, 2009

Unacceptable Torture

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Attorney General Eric Holder has appointed a special prosecutor to track down and prosecute CIA operatives and employees who used "enhanced interrogation techniques" to extract life-saving information from terror suspects. These techniques included waterboarding, spoken threats, and forcing prisoners to listen repeatedly to Barney's "I Love You" song.

Holder's investigation is expected to demoralize the CIA, cripple America's intelligence-gathering abilities, and empower terrorists. Even worse, a certain dinosaur is going to "pout like it's a rainy-wainy day."


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well you know the Barney trick won't work on housemoms...we're all immune to it. LOL!

  2. Don't you know Suzy ?

    "It ain't [America] no more, OK?" :

  3. Yikes. And so we see that the promised land of "Yes we can!" has really become "It ain't no more."

    At least Obama now has a slogan for his second-term run...

  4. Stilt, see that article :

  5. You know what, folks ? It's official, the War on Terror is over. Period. Nothing to see here, move along :

  6. White House czar urged 'resistance' against U.S.


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