Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dissociated Press

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When the Center for Disease Control issued a report which said that children and young adults are at greatest risk from dangerous swine flu complications, it didn't fit the Associated Press's narrative that "all bad things affect minorities even more."

So they took children out of the story...essentially deciding that kid's health (and the necessity of proper planning and preventive measures right now to protect kids) was less important than a good, liberal sob story.


  1. I guess in the hierarchy of victims, blacks and Hispanics are above children.

  2. Well if all the white kids die, it fits their agenda, anyway.

  3. Obama Administration Knew About Lockerbie Bomber Release Months Ago


  4. Hey Stilt, you've said last month about Vineyard vacation :

    By the way, isn't it interesting that the president's disappearance from the public eye coincides with the first day of Ramadan? During this time, Muslims have a meal before sunrise, fast all day, but can eat after dark.

    But if Barack Hussein is in Martha's Vineyard, well, I guess we won't know if he's eating lunch or not...

    Here we are :

    Obama To Hold Ramadan Dinner At The White House Tonight


  5. What a SLAP in the face to every American citizen that cried and prayed during and after 9/11!!!! The idiots that voted this guy in should just move to the middle east, if they like it so much!

  6. I couldn't agree with you more, Suzy.

  7. Readers - a couple of quick notes. I want to emphasize that the point of today's cartoon certainly isn't about race - it's about the end of meaningful journalism. To some extent, by taking kids out of the A.P. story, the Associated Press is potentially putting all kids at greater risk...including, ironically, kids who are black or Hispanic.

    Regarding the Whitehouse Ramadan dinner, it's certainly an interesting gesture from the president who wanted nothing to do with the "National Day of Prayer," but who has been effusive in many speeches (especially overseas) about America's cultural debts to Islam.

  8. Drudge Headline : It's Official: No Public Option from Obama


  9. Philip, let's start watching for the bait-and-switch ploys that will allow the Dems to gain the same objectives from a more convoluted path...
