Monday, September 28, 2009

A Good Question

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In a jaw-dropping act of lunacy, Congress is proposing a tax which would punish people for paying too much for their health insurance, in order to force them to find a more "cost effective" insurance plan. And of course, in the Democrats' opinion the only "cost effective" health insurance will be that offered through their public option (surprise! It's not dead!).

It's hard to imagine anyone else saying that raising the cost of insurance will lower the cost of insurance while keeping a straight face. But then again, Nancy Pelosi always has a straight face...


  1. Oh I dunno, do wrinkles and bags constitute "straight"?

    I still can't believe Massachusetts (with support of Obama) changed the "congressional seat filling" rules mid-game solely in order to push through health care bills (that was stated as the reason in the news anyway!).

  2. Suzy, the Democrats obsession with healthcare (or more accurately, a huge power grab plays out time after time as rule-changing, rule-breaking, and flat out craziness. Strange days...

  3. Looks like happened in Kenya. But this is in US :

  4. I wonder if they realize that we're not stupid?

  5. Philip, the video is shocking and appalling.

    Matt, some days I wonder how many people are stupid...or just willing to look the other way as long as "they get theirs."


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