Thursday, October 8, 2009

Homeland Insecurity

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Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio was so effective at finding and arresting illegal aliens that Homeland Security has stripped him and his officers of the authority to make such arrests. Oh sure, we're continually told by the democrats that 17 million illegal immigrants are overwhelming our healthcare system (and therefore, by Obama's reasoning, causing our economic collapse). But as Whoopi Napolitano says, "it's not like illegal immigration is illegal-illegal."

Which is why she's made it impossible for our laws to be enforced-enforced.


  1. Suzy, it's all in the eye of the beholder. I'm sure 17 million illegals think she's beautiful.

  2. Impeachment for Barry ?

  3. Suzy, it's all in the eye of the beholder. I'm sure 17 million illegals think she's beautiful.

    Ha ha ha !!!!

  4. This Sheriff doesn't pander for campaign contributions from the business communities, globalists or Internationalists? So because he doesn't comply with their demands, as they do, they desire him out of office? He is an ongoing danger and worst nightmare to the corporate agenda for illegal discount workers. Now he has a free hand to arrest and not no longer restrained by 287 G federal law, but can use the powers of state laws detain illegal aliens and the criminal elements amongst them. We need more Joe's tent cities and his inmate cuisine of bologna sandwiches, since being subjected to this type of incarceration will deter the most ardent inmate? Nationwide we need more inflexible officers of the law, who will not prostrate to the open border lunatics? Not the soft clean hands of manipulated cops who don't make waves, as they are contemplating looking towards an easy road to retirement. SEEING THAT OUR OWN ELECTED GOVERNMENT, REFUSES TO ENFORCE THE 1986 LAWS (IRCA), THERE OATHS TO PROTECT US FROM OUR ENEMIES FOREIGN & DOMESTIC. THEN COURAGEOUS POLICE OFFICERS MUST CARRY OUT DUTIES OF WHICH AMERICAN'S VOTED FOR?

    However the corrupt lawmakers around the nation, have not been able to undermine E-Verify? AS YET? YES! Legal Immigration matters? We should announce to the world that newcomers are welcome, if they come through the front door? We only need those immigrants with specialized skills, such as computer engineers, scientists, doctors and those with highly recommended credentials as developed nations? America has a sovereign right who we choose to settle here? What we don't need is pregnant women slipping across our border, for instant citizenship of their child or destitute illegal aliens whose cannot exist without taxpayer welfare, chain family migration? We don't need in these country illegal recipients who need free health care, education when we already ignore our own people who live in poverty? We need to enforce the 1986 immigration reform law (IRCA), not cripple it for the sake of parasite businesses that live of the slavery of millions of foreign national workers. Seeing that the business world are screaming for more Guest Workers, they should take on the responsibility of paying for their health care and education, instead of dropping sick illegal labor of at the emergency room. to, leave the hospital bill for taxpayers. Instead of expecting the American people to pay for the enormous burden, they should pay separate expenditures for every illegal foreign national and their families.

    We need to execute now, a complete war immigration chest containing mandated E-Verify for every worker--NOT REPRESSED--, or 287 G, local police arrest of foreign workers, the Rep.Duncan Hunter original national fence, instead of chopping it down to single line. We need enforcement of our laws, with harsh penalties for violating them. We need politicians we can trust, instead of those elected such as Sen.Reid, Speaker Pelosi, Feinstein and a whole list, who can be graded as Anti-American worker, anti-sovereignty, pro-illegal immigration and compromising of the Rule of Law. Submerge them in your anger and frustration at 202-224-3121 Find out the buried truth at NUMBERSUSA, JUDICIAL WATCH & CAPSWEB, for overpopulation facts.

  5. Brittanicus, thanks for the comments and information!

  6. We've said it before he was elected. Here we are...

    Video: “Pragmatist” candidate lectures America on fiscal responsibility

  7. Video: Candidate Obama knocks Musharraf for … signing peace treaties with the Taliban

  8. Time magazine’s grade for Obama’s presidency thus far: A-

  9. Philip, thanks for giving me a case of projectile vomiting. ARGHHHHHhhhh!!!!!

  10. Thanks for the warning not to click the links, Stilt. haha.

    BTW I'm still Suzy...just signing in under my new blog instead of just my name.


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