Friday, October 9, 2009

Doesn't Add A Dime!

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Democrats and the mainstream media were high-fiving over the CBO's report that massive increases in healthcare spending can be made "without adding to the deficit." What they aren't saying is that this will be accomplished by slashing many existing benefits for seniors, and raising hundreds of billions of dollars of new taxes...all of which will be passed on to the individual consumer.

Of course, the Baucus proposal isn't written in official legislative language, meaning that the CBO's guess at costs is only a guess...and that the actual healthcare bills proposed by Harry Reid and the Democrats will actually cost a lot more. But the mainstream media doesn't really want you to think about that. Or think at all, for that matter.


  1. The unfortunate reality is that there are still a number of people out there with a 30 second attention span ... all they need to see is the headline "CBO Confirms Health Care Bill Deficit Neutral" and they move on to the next topic

    If you want to see this thing defeated as much as I do the time has never been more right for increased pressure on your Congressional representatives

  2. A Nobel Peace Prize ??? WTF !!!

  3. Max, you're right that most people will only read the "Deficit Neutral" headline, which is why the media writes such preposterously misleading headlines.

    Suzy & Philip, yes...I think the Nobel Prize announcement deserves a special "bulletin" cartoon. Stay tuned!

  4. Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize ...

    Proving once and for all to the youth of America that if you truly dedicate yourself to no work and all play, you too can gain recognition for accomplishing nothing of cons

    Oh, and Stilt .. only my close friends can call me Max ;-)

  5. ".. nothing of consequence"

  6. Dan M, where in blue blazes did "Max" come from?! Must be my Oldtimer's Disease kicking in... sorry!


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