Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Name Game II

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As Halloween approaches, what could be more appropriate than the return of a rotting corpse which exists only to kill, maim, and devour brains? Of course, we're talking about the "public option." Or what was the public option...Nancy Pelosi is alternately calling it the "consumer option" and the "competitive option," and is relatively open about the fact that she'll keep changing names until she finds one that "doesn't make people think it's being paid for with public dollars."

But guess what, Nancy? All dollars are public dollars...they always have been, and they always will be - until the government finds a way to create wealth instead of forcibly taking it from citizens.


  1. Proof positive that Nancy Pelosi either:

    1 - has no idea how things really work in terms of the origin of "government money"

    2 - truly thinks the American people are ignorant and gullible fools that will believe anything she says

    She, and others, are a bit (understatement) too comfortable in their current position .. I think they need to experience the real world for a while

  2. NEA Chairman: 'Obama is the most powerful writer since Julius Caesar'...

  3. I guess Halloween is an appropriate time to try passing this stupid bill. Then if it doesn't work this time, there's always April 1...

  4. And Julius Caesar has been quoted as saying: "Those who would want peace, prepare for war."


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