Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Reid It And Weep

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Harry Reid said that the $540 billion which would be saved in ten years by tort reform (caps on medical lawsuits) was an insignificant amount of money. Yet that's five times the amount the Congressional Budget Office estimates could be saved by the "Public Option" which, by the way, will dramatically increase the cost of insurance for everyone who currently has it.

Despite the clear discrepancy and the tremendous possible savings, Democrats are almost universally against tort reform...because the current system makes lawsuit-happy trial attorneys rich, and the trial attorneys then donate to the Democrats to say "thanks for all the money!"

Once again, it's clear that "healthcare reform" isn't about healthcare, it isn't about reform, and it isn't about saving money. It's about Democratic power...and an alleged news media which is too biased to ask Reid to explain his obvious inconsistencies.


  1. Its so SCARY to think of our current insurance becoming unaffordable, and being forced to have our family under the government option. :-( Which in turn will prevent us from making wise (independent) decisions for our family's medical care. Its such a scary time in America to be raising children, especially with some of the horror stories I'm reading from the UK which have had this public option for awhile now.

  2. Suzy, you're completely correct. Here in the Jarlsberg household, we'd probably be quickly forced into the government option too as we're privately insured, but couldn't handle the skyrocketing rates when new (ie, already ill) clients are added...and "everyone must pay the same." Or alternately, our insurance is already expensive AND has high deductibles...both of which scenarios are in the Democrats crosshairs to add MORE taxes to "punish" us for not finding a cheaper plan!

    And so we get not-so-gently pushed into a government healthcare program, in which treatment depends on assessments of your blood pressure, your weight, your age, your "potential use to society," and of course...your political affiliation. "Scary" is right...

  3. Harry Reid : Republicans Are Like The Girl Who Wouldn't Dance With Me In High School or Something


  4. Philip, you mean that Harry Reid has been an annoying loser for his whole life? Wow, we're shocked! Shocked, I say!


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