Friday, October 23, 2009

The Name Game

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Nancy Pelosi is among the Democrats who've suggested changing the name of the "Public Option" insurance plan to some variant of "Medicare," because it tests well in polls and, more importantly, confuses most people and all-but-one media outlet.

Even with a new name, the plan will still destroy the insurance industry, drive up healthcare costs, and lead to massive rationing of medical services. But instead of calling that a "disaster," let's follow the Democratic lead and call it ..."Hope and Change."


  1. Pro-Choice Silver...HAHAHA (if only it weren't so serious!!!!)

    The thing that scares me most is that once they force most people into the public option, they are then going to be allowed to dictate to us how to live our lives, as they will be paying for our health care. And the scariest part about THAT is the ability to dictate to us how to raise our children...whether in vaccines, or grocery choices, we are going to be slaves to the government if and when this bill passes.


  2. Suzy, the goal of "healthcare reform" has nothing to do with healthcare and everything to do with power. So unfortunately, your fears are well founded.

  3. When posting my cartoon threads on Tuesday, will attach THIS as a click-on "related story".

  4. pookie18, yep that's a related story alright! Amazing how consistently the Democrats think that renaming a problem is the same as solving it.

  5. Report: Pelosi Lacks Votes for "Robust" Public Option

  6. Right you are, Stilt! Ya mean like global warming/climate change? ;-)

  7. Pookie18, exactly! Or renaming "blatant racism" as a "teachable moment!"


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