Thursday, October 22, 2009

Which Letter is "D"?

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Voters in North Carolina chose to remove the labels "Democrat" and "Republican" from their ballots...but Obama's Justice Department has ordered the labels to go back on, so that Black voters will know who their "candidates of choice" are. The ruling also suggested that White voters won't vote for a Black candidate unless they know he or she is not a Republican.

The many layers of insulting racism, stereotyping, and political partisanship in this ruling seem astounding...until you consider that the ruling comes from the same liberal justice official who declared that there was no voter intimidation when armed and uniformed Black Panthers challenged white voters at a polling place in 2008 to "make sure that a Black president will get elected."

To summarize, Obama's "post-racial America" is being defined on the legal precepts that Blacks will only vote for Democrats...that Blacks cannot tell the difference between individual candidates or recognize them by name...that Whites hate Black people unless they're Democratic candidates...and that if all else fails, potentially violent intimidation at the polls is fine as long as it benefits Democrats.

Meanwhile, the president continues to delay making his troop decision about Afghanistan because their elections are corrupt! Irony, anyone?


  1. Wow...Stilt I always think I'm pretty up on the news but so often you add a link that I'm like "No....really? Is this part of the joke?" I mean really...Obama admins really truly said, basically, that black people can't research who they vote for, and then follow through? Wow. (Yes I read part of the linked article...Yikes.)

    I want to shout from the rooftops: "Black Americans! Obama thinks you are STUPID!!!! Don't be fooled by him! Help us turn this country around while we still can!!!!!"

    (I guess its true, this would have really screwed up the ACORN plan of giving out cigarettes to punch the "democrat" box....)

  2. Suzy, "shouting from the rooftops" feels like the right thing to do. This ruling is totally insulting to Black voters, and shows that Democrats still have a plantation mentality, but flatter themselves that they represent the "Good Massa" who takes good and loving care of the slaves.

    Racism is a terrible, pernicious evil...and heaven help us all when people can't even see it anymore.

  3. I haven't researched this but doesn't this strike anyone else as illegal? What business do the Feds have in local elections? Isn't this up to the state/municipality?

    Again - zero research on my part but it seems fishy (more than normal)

  4. Dan M, I think (but am only speculating) that the "legal" argument is that this is essentially protection of civil rights - a federal matter - because Black voters would theoretically be disenfranchised if they got into the voting booth and had to make an educated choice instead of looking for a big letter "D" behind the candidate's name.

    That being said, it seems like a completely bogus, condescending, and racist argument which should be declared unconstitutional. Then again, since we just learned that Whitehouse staffers picked out Sonia Sotomayor's outfits for her public appearances, maybe we shouldn't put too much faith in the Supreme Court for awhile...

  5. When you think about it, the government just gave a BIG tip off as to how they manage elections... the only reason you would want to have the "R" and the "D" is if you are telling people which letter to vote for. They are so anxious to keep North Carolina voting "their way" that they are giving away their secrets!

  6. The merry-go-round of demons continues to spin.

    More Obama : Unlike Democrats, Republicans “do what they’re told

    I guess the Democrats are not doing what Obama is telling them to do...

  7. "shouting from the rooftops feels like the right thing to do"

    Only off by one letter...


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