Thursday, October 1, 2009

Rape Rape

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Noted sociologist, Dr. Whoopi Goldberg, said on "The View" that film director Roman Polanski shouldn't be punished for forcing a 13-year old girl to drink champagne and take quaaludes, after which he repeatedly raped her orally, vaginally, and anally as she tried to escape, begged him to stop, and repeatedly asked to be taken home. In Whoopi's mind, this wasn't "rape-rape."

Other Hollywood champions of the liberal right to rape children include Martin Scorcese, Woody Allen (who slept with his own step-daughter), David Lynch, Wim Wenders, Tilda Swinton, Monica Belluci, Harvey Weinstein, Debra Winger and over 100 others in the film industry.

This would normally be where Hope n' Change would try to insert a clever punchline...but for the love of God, Hollywood, do you have no shame or humanity left at all?!


  1. That would be funny-funny, if it weren't so true-true!

  2. Mr Polanski should be eaten by bacteria.

  3. Sick.

    Kinda makes you fear for your kids, with some of these creeps and their friends "in charge" of the country now...

  4. Readers, I agree with everything you've said!

    Have we really gotten to a point in our society where rape just gets a wink and a "thumbs up" from the self-styled intelligentsia?

  5. But yet other watching your friends' kids for an hour before now a crime? Or Heaven forbid praying in school....

  6. Amazing to see such common sense from The Nation.

    Roman Polanski Has a Lot of Friends

  7. But Ol' Roman's defense is a) she looked 15 to me and b) where I come from the age of consent is 15, and c) you're culturall insensitive to hold me to standards I do not hold myself to and somewhere else in the world the law is different than where that girl was.

  8. Windy, I'm sure that is part of his defense. But we could just as legitimately say that somewhere in the world, the penalty for rape is death...if he wants to play by those rules.

    But moreover, even if he thought she had attained the age of consent, she didn't give consent; she said "no!" Which makes it rape everywhere.

  9. This isn't just wrong. It's actually wrong-wrong.


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