Friday, October 2, 2009

Hot Topic

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Although the president was quick to "blame America first" in his UN speech about the catastrophic effects of global warming, and is pushing an economy-busting "cap-and-trade" tax on carbon dioxide, it turns out that there's no reliable weather data in existence from which to draw the conclusion that global warming exists, or that American citizens need to redistribute their dwindling savings to the rest of the world to make amends for imaginary damage.

In his inaugural address, the president said it was "time to put away childish things" and promised to "restore science to its rightful place." Well, Mr president, according to science there's no reason for global reparations, cap-and-trade, or your continuing attacks on our national image. So please... stop being childish.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So I'm always up REALLY early here at Casa-Del-Buzz and at about 4A.M. on Fox there is an interview with Sigourney Weaver regarding a movie she is in called Avatar (I think)...Hokie SMOKES they say hello to her and she goes into this seaweed is thinning and coral is dying and its all CO2. Finally the host gets her on the subject of the movie and asks her about being in so many SciFi movies. Her comment was that this movie is NOT SciFi this movie is about how we are destroying the planet.
    Note to self, wash the dog, trim the cat's fanny, clean the garage but for Lord's sake do not go see more Global Warming hog wash.

  3. We are SO becoming the laughing stock of the world....

  4. Buzz, as a fan of James Cameron movies, I've been looking forward to "Avatar" - in part due to all the hype about it taking 3D to a whole new level.

    But about a month ago I saw the first trailer for it, and got a distinct sinking feeling. Fanboys (as the movie geeks call themselves) are attacking Avatar as a CGI version of the cartoon "Fern Gully," in which forest fairies fight against mean old humans with their bulldozers.

    So I'll be skipping "Avatar"...although now you've got me pretty excited about seeing "Trim The Cat's Fanny - 3D!"


  6. Philip I was SO glad Chicago was booted in the first round...poor sacrificial Michelle...

  7. I was SOOO glad too !

  8. I'm pleased too. Nothing against Chicago, particularly, but if Obama wanted it then I didn't want it. This isn't just because I don't like the man, but because anything - however trivial - which undercuts his mystique and arrogance helps reduce his power to do bad things to our country.

    Losing an Olympics is a very small price to pay for a benefit like that.

  9. Obama’s Olympic failure will only add to doubts about his presidency

  10. I couldn't agree with you more, Stilt.

    However, I cannot accept to win an Olympics - no matter where in States - when we have a man in Office who hates his own country.

  11. That and good grief, to rush overseas to try to get an Olympic bid when people are losing jobs, Senate bills are needing to be read, and the generals in the middle east are begging for more troops...that's ridiculous. The Presidency is a serious job, not a game.

  12. Right on, Suzy.

    'Why was he running off to Copenhagen when we have more important issues to deal with?' This idea that other nations will do something that's not in their best interests because they like you is just silly."
    Why did Obama invest so much personal capital and time for this? Well, he simply can’t help himself. It’s the same force of ego that drives him on to those TV talk shows again and again and that imagines that a grand speech with no content and no appeal outside his base will be a game changer on health-care reform.

    It’s also another reminder that, apparently, there isn’t anyone influential enough in the White House to keep the president from embarrassing himself. No one to say, “Enough with the talk shows.” No one to explain that presidents should not invest their personal credibility and standing to beg the IOC on behalf of his hometown. No one, unfortunately, to direct him back to the job of making timely, forceful decisions to defend America’s real interests. Not an interest in getting the Olympics, but the interests in defanging Iran, in maintaining robust alliances with friendly democracies, in executing a winning strategy in Afghanistan, and in readjusting domestic policy away from job-killing measures and toward job-creating ones.

    Obama didn’t get the Olympics. He did get a slap in the face. Maybe he will learn something about multilateral institutions. At the very least, he may want to consider finding some advisers who will tell him to stop doing such silly things.

  13. Wonderful, another Polanski Czar in the WH.

    Obama's 'safe schools' chief praised child-sex promoter

    Is there any moral, decent, and sane people within his administration ?

  14. I've read some articles about global warming over at American Thinker and the one fact that stays in my mind is that of all the carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere only 3% is from human activity. Global Warming is a sham being perpetrated by dishonest persons in government, the media and in some instances our institutions of higher learning (politicized professors).

  15. RLS, I've read the same statistic, and it's hugely meaningful. If we stopped ALL human industry, it would make a difference that was statistically insignificant. Obviously, stopping only SOME human industry, will make even less of a difference. And "cap and trade" will make no difference to the environment whatsoever.

    What "cap and trade" will do is redistribute wealth to other countries and, domestically, political groups favored by the Democrats. It's a lie, and it's a power grab.


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