Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Falling Job Numbers

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Unemployment numbers rose again in October, with more and more people giving up hope of finding jobs (though hopefully they'll keep away from tall buildings and ledges).

To respond to the urgent jobs crisis, Barack Obama took an Asian photo-op tour and reminisced about eating ice cream, invited Khalid Sheikh Mohammed for an all-expenses-paid trip to New York, and demonstrated his support for the common worker by inviting Hollywood's biggest elites to a Whitehouse party.

Obama also plans to hold a "Jobs Summit" in the coming months (hey, no rush...) during which the person who draws the short straw will have to tell the president that there aren't any new jobs. Except for the people who scrape those messy city sidewalks...


  1. Sick joke, but I HAD to laugh....!!! Sadly, it also has a definite ring of truth.

  2. BTW Stilt, only 7 more followers to hit the big 1-0-0!!!!!! Get your bonus comic ready! haha.

  3. Suzy- It IS a sick joke, but it represents the fact that more and more of the unemployed are simply giving up hope...which is a sad comment on the president who ran on Hope.

    As far as reaching 100 followers, it does seem like some sort of recognition/celebration will be in order. In all seriousness, I have great appreciation for everyone who has signed on as a follower - it lifts my spirit and encourages me to try to do my best for this loyal and wonderful readership!

  4. God bless our working middle class and those needing work. Truly.

  5. Red- We couldn't agree more; it's literally criminal that nothing is being done to encourage (or even allow) job growth.

    Shayne- It's so wrong, but it feels so right.
