Thursday, November 26, 2009

Giving Thanks

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According to the latest Rasmussen poll, support for the Democrats' healthcare plan has fallen to an all-time low, with only 38% in favor. Only 14% of those polled believe that "healthcare reform" will actually reduce medical costs...and those 14% aren't exactly the sharpest carving knives at the holiday table, if you know what we mean.

Obamacare is especially unpopular with senior citizens, who will be losing their Medicare Advantage plans, taking the brunt of $500 billion in cuts to Medicare and (page 1,637, paragraph C, subsection 2), "be cast adrift on ice floes, their wails and lamentations lost to the crashing waves."

But it hasn't happened yet...and hopefully next year at this time, we'll be giving thanks that it never will. Until then, HAPPY THANKSGIVING from Hope n' Change Cartoons!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, especially to our beloved "elderly" grandparents!!!! And many more!!!!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Stilton. Keep up the fantastic work. I enjoy your blog and artistic talents. A little piece of sanity amidst the moonbattery ;-D

  3. Red- thanks for the kind words (although I've rarely been accused of "sanity" before). I'm grateful to all the readers who visit and comment, because this site is my own personal place to vent, and having a readership makes it seem at least semi-respectable instead of leaving me as another old coot standing in his lawn and shouting angrily at the world through a bullhorn.

    Not that I don't enjoy that too...

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, Stilton!
    And have you seen those ads the AARP is running? Makes you wonder what flavor of Kool-Aid the people running the AARP have been drinking!


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