Saturday, November 7, 2009

Nancy's Checklist

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This weekend, the Democrats are planning to vote on the legislation that the Wall Street Journal accurately called "The Worst Bill Ever."

If the 1,990-page bill passes as currently written, tens of millions of currently insured people will lose their existing plans...costs for both health insurance and medical treatment will soar...Medicare will be slashed...racial preferences will be set for the training and certification of medical personnel...the government will overrule physicians' choices about procedures and services...and there will be huge fines or prison terms for anyone who doesn't buy health insurance except illegal aliens.

Then on page two...


  1. I'm trying not to think about it...because if I think about gets me VERY frightened. We are one of those families who will eventually be losing our insurance if this passes.

  2. Suzy, you're not alone by a long shot. The CBO estimates that if the healthcare bill passes as written, up to 90 million people will be forced out of their existing insurance.

    This being the case, when Obama said "you can keep your insurance if you like it - period," was it one lie...or 90 million lies?

  3. This is when I wish magical thinking really worked.

  4. .. just got finished watching the Democrat "leadership" after their session with the "Man Voted Most Likely to Vote Present" and, while I'm no expert in body language, it sure didn't look to me like they were telegraphing confidence

    We shall wait and see .. and, of course, continue to light up the phones on the Hill

  5. Dan M, you can never put too much stock in the body language of creatures who, by their nature, tend to slither and crawl most of the time.

  6. So true Stilt .. so true

    .. and pretty darned funny!

  7. Well.. the House vote is in .. 220-215

    Truly a sad and dark day for freedom and liberty

  8. Pitchforks and torches anyone? Metaphorically speaking, of course...


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