Thursday, January 7, 2010

Many Are Cold

Click Cartoon for Larger Size
Okay, Hope n' Change was skeptical that the Copenhagen climate summit could really do anything about "global warming." Yet only weeks after Obama spoke and Al Gore read eco-poetry, the US and much of the world has been plunged into the coldest winter in decades. Clearly, these political giants have accomplished their goal to cool the Earth...and then some.

In fact, many people are freezing to death...businesses and power plants are shutting down...and record-books are being rewritten as snow and ice pile up to unprecedented levels.

Hope n' Change deeply apologizes for our previous skepticism.


  1. ...but few are frozen!
    It was like an unresolved chord...

  2. Breathe people, breathe. Let's get some CO2 out there!

  3. But don't you understand .. global warming is actually causing this massive downturn in temperatures .. ;-p

  4. Hey I wonder if they can retract some of the greenhouse tax stuff on gasoline now?

  5. Stilt - The new design is great. Awesome !

  6. Philip- Glad you like it! The teeny-tiny cartoons that the Blogger template previously allowed were annoying to everyone, but I never seemed to find enough time (or, uh, brains) to learn the HTML to fix the problem. Until now!

    If time allows, or if I get indescribably bored, I may go back into the archives and make some of the older posts larger (it has to be done by hand, one image at a time). But from now on, all the new cartoons will be posted at the larger size. Yay!

  7. Doc, my daddy always said, "More is better."

  8. Ahhhhh.... I can put my reading glasses away ;-)

  9. NICE.... I love the comments as well as the comic but when we'd previously enlarge the other comic, have to click back for the comments. Looks great!

  10. Well Done Stilton, all the way around...well done!

  11. To All- Glad you're liking the new look! There was a tense moment earlier today when I hit a "save" button to make sure I could do no damage when modifying the site...and it erased everything. AIYEE!

    Fortunately, I was able to restore everything and then move ahead with the remodeling. Once my heart started beating again...


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