Friday, January 8, 2010

Size Matters

Click Cartoon for Larger Size if you want, But you don't have to anymore!
A frequent comment from readers of Hope n' Change has been "why don't you make the cartoons bigger? Conservatives are getting squinty and it's your fault!"

Looking into how to do that, we recently discovered something called "HTML," which we had always assumed meant "Hate Mail," but actually turns out to be a website programming language which, surprisingly, is no harder to learn than Sanskrit!

And so, after reading a book called "HTML for Dummies Who Even Other Dummies Call Dummies," we present the new and improved Hope n' Change Cartoons website. Bigger cartoons, fewer ads, more breathing room, and constantly updated news links in the sidebar instead of all the way at the bottom (did you even know there had been topical news links at the bottom of the page? Neither did anyone else!)

Your comments on the new look are welcome, and please let us know if you encounter any problems. Chances are we won't be able to fix them, but you never know...we haven't finished that "Dummies" book yet!


  1. I'm not sure if I am truly better off having eaten before reading today's entry ...

    .. regardless, I do love the new layout!

  2. HAHAHA love today's comic...

  3. There goes the keyboard...

  4. I wonder if Stilt has keyboard insurance in case he gets sued? haha.

  5. Buzz- You think that's a lot of Pelosi, wait until we get the bugs worked out of Hope n' Change 3D!

  6. Great improvement! I like to copy these and share them in email, like so many great things available. Yes, they could be enlarged by clicking them and then copying/pasting to an email. But then they needed downsizing because they were too big. Now they're just right! Thanks! Love your style, BTW.

  7. BarbaCat- Making it easier for people to share the cartoons was one of the primary goals of the redesign. And let me thank you personally for sending them to others - it's greatly appreciated!


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