Saturday, February 6, 2010

Barack Hussein Embalmer

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Just when we thought this president couldn't
possibly be more self-worshipping, he's made a speech in which he bragged about one of his campaign supporters being buried "wearing an Obama t-shirt."

Knowing a marketing niche when we see one,
we proudly present the stylish new Hope n' Change burial t-shirt for liberals who wouldn't be caught dead wearing anything else!

Obviously, "The
One" size fits all...


  1. I wonder if he uses that sort or style of speech to Michelle ...

  2. "Shovel Ready"
    I don't care WHO you are, that's FUH-knee, raht there...!

  3. I saw Obama plaques/photos on the clearance rack at Walmart....

  4. Well, that should call into question the "sound mind" part of her will... *rimshot*

  5. Love the T-shirt! Where can I get one?

  6. Cindy- To get the T-shirt, all you need is a shovel, a crowbar, and a really dark night...

  7. It's all summed up at

  8. Lots of good Obama pictures


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