Friday, February 5, 2010

Breast Laid Plans

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According to Britain's MI5 Intelligence Agency, Muslim doctors trained in England have returned to their own countries to use their surgical skills to insert explosive breast implants in female suicide bombers.

The so-called "bosom bombs" would be undetectable using current scanning technology, and could be set off using a syringe (of the type recently carried by the Christmas Day "underwear bomber.")

While no official strategy has been advanced to thwart potential terror attacks, Barack Obama reminds us: "an alert and courageous citizenry are far more resilient than an isolated extremist."
So keep your eyes open, America.

"Sorry miss - the president says I have to."


  1. The religion of peace is more like the religion of misogyny.

  2. Great. The next thing we'll have to do as we walk through the nude body scanner is confirm our bra size.

    Flying is becoming less and less enticing these days.

  3. Suzy- On the plus side, if you successfully make it onto an airplane you won't need to pay for a doctor's physical for the next year!


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