Thursday, February 11, 2010

Healthcare Top Ten

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After a year of name-calling and locked doors, Barack Obama has now grudgingly said he'd like to hear Republican ideas about healthcare reform. Of course, nobody actually believes that he plans to listen to what they have to say, which is a pity - because there is a real need for healthcare reform, and the Republicans have the ideas to make it work.

The "Top Ten" list shown above consists of real ideas that you can read about in more detail here. These practical, pragmatic ideas have never been hidden from Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, or the mainstream media. But they have, by and large, been hidden from the American public.

By Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and the mainstream media.


  1. Philip- good links, all. It's funny that the Whitehouse is now saying that unemployment numbers may fail to get better, even if the number of new jobs rises...because people who had lost hope and given up may return to the job market. But this is unavoidably an acknowldgement that the true rate of unemployment (when the "hopeless" are factored in) is much higher than previously cited.

    Regarding your other post, "Anyone But Obama" would certainly get our vote about now.

  2. He'll only "hear" Republican ideas like I "hear" sirens and dogs barking outside my house ...


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