Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Off To See the Blizzard

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While not exactly "Hell freezing over," the Federal government in Washington DC has been nearly shut down by a huge winter storm which is dumping historic amounts of snow.

The government shutdown spoiled opening celebrations for a new "Global Warming" agency which will operate within NOAA, and is accessible at in case anyone wants to read taxpayer-funded propaganda that says record snowfall and freezing temperatures are signs of man-caused global warming. But NOAA's own data shows that their online claims of "earlier snowmelt and extended ice-free seasons" simply aren't true.

To put it simply, the Obama administration and environmental con-artists like Al Gore are still trying to pull a snow job on the American people. Talk about an Inconvenient Truth...


  1. Philip- Good link! The guy basically says that "globally warmed" air holds more moisture, which is why the atmosphere is able to produce so much snow this year. But he conveniently skips mentioning that snow can't occur except when it gets cold. Likewise, his theory of super-saturated air would suggest that there would be much more rain during the summer...yet "global warming" enthusiasts point to lack of rain in certain areas as "proof."

    In other words, whether it's hot, cold, wet, or's evidence of manmade global warming.

  2. Stilt - Forget Global Warming. There is a bigger threat for the National Security.

  3. DC even shut down their snow plows. WHATEVER!!!! Wimps.

    If Hamas really has something planned tomorrow, now is definitely good timing since Obama is huddled inside by the fire scared of a bit of snow and wind.

  4. Philip- The "national security" issue you mentioned is being featured in tomorrow's Hope n' Change cartoon.

    Suzy- You're right. If people in Washington DC have to go outside to see the "great blow" coming from Iran, the Ayatollahs will be very disappointed.

    By the way, despite "Cap and Trade" and "global warming," this president is well known for turning the thermostat up in the Oval Office, so he'll be comfortable working in shirt sleeves.

  5. Meanwhile I keep my house at 62 and wear a sweater, because I'm a cheap bastich..

    LOL'd today at work, and had to explain.. was the 10:00 news, and they said the weather service had officialy canceled the 'winter storm warning' for DC - and upgraded to "blizzard".
    At which point someone opined that it was going to keep snowing until Al Gore apologized.
    It was then that I laughed..
    All SIX (of normal 20) people in the office wanted to know WHY...

  6. Phillip - and they 'only' want $15B to 'fight' it.. how about this - we encourage people to laugh at fat kids. Face it, they're funny in the first place, and it's free. Hell, if we could get teen girls to laugh at the 'hangin off the ass pants guys' THAT fad would end in 15 sec... So, we start laughing at the fat kids (and, what the hell, fat adults too) and people get shamed into eating better, exercising, and actually getting healthy. THEN they get to feel good about themselves (and laugh at others as a bonus). I know, it seems cruel at first, but everyone is healthier and happier as a result.
    And it's FREE...

  7. The massive snow storms in the capital just prove that divine intervention is at work, trying to stop the administration and Congress from spending anymore of our money. Shuting down DC is the only way... It's good to know that the Big Guy up there is on the side of everyday Americans!

  8. On My Honor...I'll refrain from Comment on what happened to Kennedy's and Murtha's seats. Big guy is definitely looking out for America.


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