Thursday, February 18, 2010

Let Them Eat Cake

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It's hard to believe that it was a full year ago that Obama and the Democrats rammed through a $787 billion "stimulus package."

Sure, it seemed like a lot of money at the time - an unprecedented amount of money, in fact - but one year later we're back at full employment, factories are humming, businesses are hiring, consumer confidence is soaring, and...and...

Oh, wait. Unemployment has risen dramatically, businesses are too afraid of the Democrats to hire anyone, only 6% of Americans believe the stimulus created jobs, and the accounting for where the stimulus funds have gone, or what (if anything) they accomplished, is highly questionable.

What is not in question is the amount added to the deficit, or who will be paying for it: the kids who had no vote, but who have already been saddled with a lifetime of debt.


  1. Bet the cake tastes like dog poo...

  2. How about a little "tea" with that cake?


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