Friday, February 19, 2010

Elite Me, Maher

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Alleged comic and HBO personality Bill Maher recently appeared on Larry King Live to deliver another steaming pile of left-wing elitist disdain for the American people.

Maher, who calls "love of the troops the ultimate in fake patriotism," and was recently quoted as saying "We love the troops the way Michael Vick loves dogs," explained to King that Obama should ram through healthcare and other unpopular issues against the will of the electorate because "they're not bright enough to really understand the issues. But like an animal, they can sort of sense strength or weakness. They can smell it on you."

As much as we'd like to disagree with Maher, we have to concede two points. He clearly understands those intellectually-challenged voters who put an insufferably elitist administration into power, and he's made the rest of us very keenly aware that the whole mess smells.

Update: The ever-offensive Maher just gave the following quote to the Huffington Post: "Sarah Palin agreed to do commentary at Fox News. Which is actually very similar to her day job - talking to a baby with Down Syndrome."

We can only assume that Maher is jealous because Trig Palin is something that Maher will never be: loved.


  1. What hate. If a conservative ever said that, they would be crucified (and rightly). I think it takes a special sort of evil person to target defenseless children with their "wit." Arsehole.

  2. Keep foaming at the mouth, Maher. You're only provoking reasonable people to seek your political and moral opposite.

  3. I used to think he was funny.
    Then I watched one of his shows. What a jerk...

  4. bwaaahahahaha!!!!!! *CLAP*CLAP*CLAP*CLAP*CLAP*CLAP*CLAP*CLAP*


    [Projection: not just a river somewhere out in the deep weeds]

  5. I've flushed things of more significance than this guy ...

  6. Bill Mayer's intellect is only exceeded by his stature.

  7. Readers- Thanks for all the comments. Clearly we're all in agreement here about Mr. Maher's charm, wit, and intellect.

  8. Stilton,

    Did anyone mention he's ugly and his momma dresses him funny?
    OK, just wanna make sure we cover all the dhimmicrap talking perntz aboot this crap sammich in a pair of light loafers.


  9. Trig >> Loved.

    THAT'S gonna leave a mark.
    Reminds me of the episode of South Park, when Cartman entered teh Special Olympics, and found out that not only were the 'retards' better athletes than he was, they were also better people...


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