Monday, March 22, 2010

One Bill To Rule Them All

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One of the great things about fiction like
"Lord of the Rings" is that you can be fairly sure that pure, unadulterated evil probably won't win in the end. And hopefully, the evil which Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and a majority of Democrats perpetrated on this country won't win in the end either. But for now they've won a battle. A huge one.

I was a child on a school playground when I heard the P.A. announcement that John F. Kennedy had been shot dead. I was a young man making a radio commercial in a recording studio when a news bulletin announced that the space shuttle had blown to pieces, killing all on board. And I was fully grown, and feeling my age, when a phonecall interrupted my morning coffee to tell me that America was under siege and that the twin towers had fallen in New York.

And now, I'll always remember that I was sitting on the edge of a chair on Sunday March 21st, white-knuckled and watching CSPAN, the night America was betrayed by the Democrats.

The night the
real battle began.

Let's roll.


  1. I'm more in a state of betrayal right now....all of the above (ok except the JFK for me haha) were shocks. This is more of "I guess we shoulda seen this coming"....and the hope that says "Surely the courts will throw this out". I guess at this point I hope that if I ignore it, it will go away.... ?

  2. This abomination of a bill has nothing to do with health care. It's a pure power grab. The same bribing, conniving, lying mindset that produced this monstrosity will now dictate all health-related concerns. Be very afraid. Stay healthy Stilton. We need you.

  3. Welcome to the USSA...

  4. Pete - You can thank the people who voted for this guy in 2008.

    Unemployment Rate at 20%

  5. The cold hard fact is this. Democrats are Socialist and the only cure for this country if it not r to late is to remove EVERY socialist democrat from EVERY position across this land from the whitehouse on down and assure their party is detroyed FOREVER and never to rise again for ANY reason. It is time people to remove ALL these socialist pigs from ALL positions across this land however you fell fit to do so.

  6. Anonymous- the best way to remove the socialists (albeit not the most fun to fantasize about) will be at the polls. And the run-up to the next election cycle is definitely on right now.

  7. The only thing I"m seriously, seriously worried about is the widespread voting fraud....How can we vote in the good guys if the bad guys are pulling the strings during the elections?

  8. Suzy-- I don't think it's voter fruad. I think we raised an at least two generations of morons who can't think, don't think and have been told life is free, all you have to do is deamand your needs from the government and someone will pay for it. That someone is the 30% of the nation that actually works while at least 40% of the nations sits on their asses at home, eating steak and watching TV all on your taxes. You have to remember, this is what the government has dreamed of. A society who's solely dependent on them, cause they'll give you what ever you want as long as your a big enough idiot to says, " I'll pay just a little more to have that freebee". Since we have two generations of worhtless buffoons not at voting age, you can bank on more BS socialism at your front door. The dorks haven't a clue of how they are shooting themselves in the foot.

  9. Remember Russian bread lines? Be prepared for Obama doctor lines. This is the equality the libs want for our country. Hope you all stay well enough to keep your place in line. Morons.

  10. Suzy - two words. Purple Ink.
    Hell, it works in Iraq...

  11. Remember in November

  12. Can anyone supply the names of the 219 congressman that voted YES on this bill today. I want there names to be put on a webpage so no one can forget what scumbags are going to leave first and when the senate does the same thing I want there names too. These people are truly the enemy from within that need to be gone. We need a memorial with all their names on it like they do for those lost in war but this time their absence will give a reason to rejoice.

  13. "If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were ever our countrymen."
    — Samuel Adams


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