Sunday, March 21, 2010

How the Deemocrats Became Extinct

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Today's the day that House Democrats will attempt to "deem" a disastrous Healthcare bill passed, under the assumption that "fixes" can be made after it's signed into law.

But many political analysts believe the "fixes" won't make it through the Senate (which already rejected the House's ideas when they wrote their own bill, adding kickbacks, bribes, and abortion language). And it's possible that the House Democrats will throw out "deem and pass" altogether, and do a direct vote to support the publically-hated Senate bill.

Either way, it is the Senate bill which will be the law of the land.

All in all, it suggests that House Democrats really do have walnut-sized brains. And that they should start watching the skies for something huge heading their way...


  1. These socailist pigs need to be taken down now and forever. "Democratics are Socialist" and that's all there is to it. This party must be destroyed and abolished forever. If you ever wanted to know who the enemy from within is, look no further than all those who supported the "Obamanator" and his socialist agenda for the USA.

  2. Readers- Please click on Philip's link above for a great photo essay of peaceful, freedom-loving protestors in Washington DC.

    These are the so-called "haters," "racists," and "fat cat special interests" that the president and the media love to hate. And yet...they look just like regular Americans. Scared and angry Americans.

    We have met the enemy...but it is NOT us.

  3. Drudge Headline :

    FLASH : Senate Republicans found a provision in the new House health care bill that likely makes it ineligible for expedited 'reconciliation' procedures in the Senate. Dems refused to meet with GOP and Parliamentarian.... Developing....

  4. Philip- We're watching that story closely. One way or another, the House Democrats need to accept that the ONLY vote they're making is for the Senate Bill, with every bit of corruption, bribery, and abortion language intact. All of the "fixes" and talk of reconciliation is a bluff.

  5. Government Mess- Thanks for the nice words and the link. You're absolutely right...the fight is only beginning, and we're in it together. And it's time for the gloves to come off.

  6. Even when it passes there is a very big court battle that is coming. It ain't over... not everyone is going to let an unconstitutional bill just pass without doing anything about it.

  7. Stilt, Suzy - You are absolutely right. This is just the beginning. It's not over. 2010 Will Be a Tough Year.

  8. Forget gold and silver, the "precious metals" I'm holding are brass and lead...


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