Friday, March 12, 2010

Watch Your Language

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Although we thought it would never happen, Hope n' Change actually agrees with something that bloated leftist Michael Moore said on Rachel Maddow's MSNBC show: "Democrats are in for an ass-whooping of biblical proportions in November."

Of course, Mr. Moore thinks the ass-whooping will occur because the Democrats haven't been pushy enough about enacting their socialist agenda. We strongly disagree, but must admit that we love to hear "Democrats" and "ass-whooping" used in the same sentence - wherever it comes from.


  1. It's the only way Dems will admit defeat --not because they are completely wrong and working in opposition of the majority of voting Americans but that they are deluded enough to think it's because they weren't 'bold enough' in their endeavors to quash free will in the name of progress. Jerks.

  2. I can only hope that people show up in DROVES to provide the ass whupping - if everybody figures it's a 'fait accomplit' and stays home, guess what?
    Oh, and as to voter fraud, why the HELL are WE not dipping a finger in ink? Works well in Iraq, think it would keep people from multi voting here? It just might...

  3. That's because the country is sick of anyone who is going to stand behind Obama and his blatant attempts to get around the checks and balances set up in our government, to push his agenda to ruin the country. Anyone who supports Obama is gonna be out of a job come least I hope! Hoping the next two years are no better than lame duck for Obama.

  4. Pete nails it!
    I can't stand all this talk about Obama getting his ass kicked and a Republican takeover in November. If you think this bunch is just going to go away with a whimper, you are either naive or are chock-full of wishful thinking.
    Come late 2010 early 2011, Obama will steer to the center. You just watch.

  5. Readers- Great comments! And Pete strikes a special chord with the "finger dipped in ink" remark about voter fraud, because just ran a great story about the Obama administration stepping in to end an investigation into Acorn's vote fraud efforts. Maddening...and you read about it here:

  6. Oh man I don't even wanna read anything else about ACORN.... if the voter fraud continues we may as well have a dictatorship.

    Actually the way it sounded, technically Hillary should have beat out Obama in the primaries if voting had been completely honest....not that things would be much better LOL but I think McCain (don't like him) would have at least beat Hillary and then at least our country wouldn't be going so bad, so fast.

  7. Agreed, Suzy, McCain was the least evil option. Be nice to have a GOOD one for a change. And there's certainly time to petition your local clerk's office (usually handles voting stuff) as well as Sec of State to instigate the ink dipping. Also photo ID check.

  8. Michael Moore is the biggest moron I've seen in a long time. He fits right in with Klinton, Obama, and all the other clowns that can be seen at the bottom of my favorite page


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