Saturday, March 13, 2010

Slaughter House

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Nancy Pelosi doesn't have enough votes in the House to pass the Senate's corruption-filled, abortion-funding, budget-busting healthcare bill. But she just might have enough votes to pass an entirely different bill that...hold on to your hats...simply declares that the House passed the Senate bill even though they never voted on it.

The so-called "Slaughter Rule" is named for House Rules Committee member Louise Slaughter, which surprises most people who had assumed it stood for slaughtering the Constitution.

But wait - it gets weirder. Since Martian law isn't normally acceptable practice, even in Washington DC, the Senate Parlimentarian is expected to say the Slaughter Rule can't be used. At which point, Vice-President Joe Biden can override the parlimentarian and declare that Democrats can basically do whatever they want...the only teeny-tiny downside being that our traditional system of government will be turned upside-down, and our nation will adopt a socialist healthcare system NOT because of the "straight up or down" vote that Obama claimed to want, but because of a Democrat-sponsored coup.

The Senate Parlimentarian examines the "Slaughter Rule."


  1. The sad thing is, the Republicans would never do this...and if they DID...they'd all be immediately ousted, the Dems would care about the Constitution for once in their lives and whine about everyone being unconstitutional....and probably then hire hitmen to pick off the most influential of them. Amazing how there is a set of rules for the Repubs and another wait...NO rules...for the Dems...

  2. Good stuff!

    Nancy Pelosi is what happens when the criminally lead the mentally ill!

  3. You need to out-Alinsky their asses. Can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.

  4. Some of that melodramatic stuff the Founding Fathers said about tyrants and watering trees of liberty doesn't sound so melodramatic anymore.

  5. I *so* hope Cindy Sheehan runs against Nancy P again.... she might have a prayer, this time!


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