Saturday, March 20, 2010

You Said A Mouthful

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There's a certain slow-motion horror in waiting for the Democrats' Sunday vote on the most corrupt, convoluted, and anti-American legislation in history. Imagine if Al Qaeda had announced their attack plans on September 8th, and those of us on the ground were still powerless to do anything but watch as the jets hurtled towards their targets on 9/11.

But not all the jets reached their targets. The passengers on United flight 93 brought their own jet down, rather than let it create destruction and havoc in Washington DC.

So the question now becomes whether or not the Democratic party has heroes like Todd Beamer and the passengers of Flight 93 who believe in this country enough to say "let's roll" and, working from the inside, put an end to the madness.


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UPDATE: The vote is over...and the Democratic party produced no heroes. In particular, Bart Stupak failed to impress when he issued his battle cry: "Let's roll...over!"


  1. Even if it passes its not going to be easy to implement...states are already preparing their lawsuits. It will be a MESS in this country if they "pass" this bill, on so many levels we can't even begin to count.

    I hope though that it just doesn't pass...Medicaid and Medicare are miserable failures and we certainly don't want that for our entire country.

  2. Can you imagine what would happen if that amount of people descended on D.C. enmasse ?

    Wake up, America !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Philip- We may very well see that amount of people descend on D.C. in the near future...


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