Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Face the Music

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In a recent speech, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared that the Obamacare bill was actually an entrepreneurial bill...because it will allow people to quit their jobs and be "creative and be a musician or whatever" while taxpayers pick up the cost of healthcare.

In other words, Pelosi sees this magical combination of record unemployment and unfunded entitlements as the gateway to a New Renaissance, in which the bottled up artistic talents of Americans can finally be expressed without the need for pesky old responsibilities.

According to Nancy, "people could be an artist or a photographer or a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance." She calls the previous thwarting of our artistic gifts "job lock," meaning that people had to actually keep jobs and turn a deaf ear to their muses.

But thanks to the Democrats, no one has "job lock" anymore and people everywhere are involving themselves in the arts. In San Francisco, for instance, Nancy's constituents are learning to paint swastikas on signs to protest against legal immigration. Mainstream news reporters are enthusiastically indulging their desire to write fiction.

And Washington DC, of course, is enjoying a dramatic increase of song and dance.


  1. What ever happened to the meme of the 'starving artist'? You have to suffer for your craft, man, or it doesn't MEAN anything...

  2. So people only work for health care? They don't work for food or rent or car payments or anything like that?

    I didn't see any manna this morning....

  3. I for one think that true leaders do so by example so I am calling for Nancy to put her money where her mouth is and step down to pursue what appears to be her true passion.... of course she'd have to move to Las Vegas where it is legal to screw people for profit

  4. And then there's Obama making millions off books (he allegedly wrote) while his Kenyan aunt lives here illegally on the public dole. I wonder who paid for her new hip?

  5. WooHoo! I can finally "express myself" and have insurance too? Wow...cake and eat it...life is gettin' better! NOT!


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