Sunday, May 16, 2010

Great White

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Last week, 88-year old Betty White hosted Saturday Night Live and taught today's audiences a thing or two about screen presence and comedic timing. And as we considered the week's many events here at the editorial offices of Hope n' Change, we couldn't think of a better spokesperson to try to coax laughter out of what has been generally appalling news.

Oh, we considered bringing Eric Holder in as guest host today, and even sent him a script. But it turns out that he never read it.


  1. The entire Obama administartion and all its socialist supporters is the worse I have seen in my 56 years with the exception of the 1960 long haired freaky people and afro-sheen brillopad bobble heads we had protesting then. I see now the kids of today want to mock their disgusting parents and one again begin to tank America except this time they've decided to add some africa jewely to their bodies with extra holes and paintjobs.

  2. Buzz- Betty really does look good for her age, but doing the conversion to Hope n' Change style artwork made her hair look much darker than it really is (she's totally grey). If Hollywood decides it likes the look of the Hope n' Change Facelift, we may be able to make a pretty good income on the side!

  3. Great stuff today as always...I appreciate this site so much. And, folks, I would guess that's an OLD picture of Betty White when she was about half her age now!

  4. Wayne- delighted that you enjoy the cartoons. And truth be told, that's NOT an old picture of Betty - you can see and compare the original picture here!


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