Thursday, June 17, 2010

As The Escrow Flies

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Wow! The "kick ass" president got totally manly during his first and only (ahem) 20-minute meeting with BP's brass yesterday, and demanded that they put $20 billion dollars into an escrow account to pay for present and future damages to our country. $20 billion! That's a lot, right?!


Well, yes, it is. Unless you compare it to much, much larger numbers.

Specifically, Obama and the democrats are currently adding
$5 billion dollars in new debt to our country every single day. Meaning that the entirety of BP's escrow account would be spent by this administration in just 4 days.

Only, Obama and company won't stop spending in 4 days...which is why the damage they're doing to our country and economy is $35 billion each week...$140 billion each month...and over $1.6 trillion in just one year.

Put another way, the oil spill which Barack Obama has likened to an economic "9/11" for this country is roughly only 1% as damaging as a single year of his presidency.

So, tough guy, go suck that with a straw.


  1. "roughly only 1% as damaging"

    Stilt, you REALLY have a knack for putting things in perspective.

  2. Gosh, aren't we glad we have such a manly man in the oval office? Does anyone feel a warm fuzzy feeling inside? Didn't think so...

  3. Pete(Detroit)- Thanks! I'd love to see this same statistic get broader coverage in the mainstream media (as if that will ever happen).

    The debt is so astronomically crazy now that people can't visualize what the numbers mean, or conceive of the damage being done. So it's handy to be able to quantify things in a concrete way.

    Handy...and scary.

  4. "...would be spent by this administration in just 4 days."

    Stilton, I think you have the wrong verb tense here. It is not "would be" but "will be." They have no intention to let money lie in an escrow account when they can be using it to buy political favors, bribe people, and pay people generously to vote for the Dem candidate in each race. This will be simply a gigantic Dem slush fund, with nobody watching where it goes, no rules attached, no oversight, nothing. What a deal! What a way for BP to make this huge gift to the Dem party!!

  5. any ONE of you guys would make a better president!!!!thing is, youre way too smart to even WANT the job!! Lately, I have been wanting to ask Obama...hey, why did you want to be president anyway? are you nuts?

  6. Actually, Dr. D, you're both wrong. It's not "would be". Nor is it "will be". It's "has been and continues to be", I believe.

    Wow! I like the sound of the first two syllables of that quoted prose - only it's Obama I'd like to see made a "has been". Let's get the libs out of the house and senate, then let's work on getting him out of the executive. In the meantime, pray that they do no irreversible damage to our country. Oh- and also pray no conservative SCOTUS judges quit, retire, or die during this idiot's reign. Lord knows he's done enough on THAT particular front...

  7. A closer look at the link shows that actually BP will be putting $5 Billion into the fund now, and then will add $1 Billion every 3 months for the next 3 years - that would be about 12 payments. $5 Billion + $12 Billion = $17 Billion. That doesn't quite make $20 Billion, so maybe the difference will be some "processing fee" payable to the DNC, who knows.

    So, not to get too numerical here, but bottom line, $5 Billion is being put on the table now, the rest will dribble in at $1 Billion every 3 months. And from what I have read, that is assuming that BP remains financially viable for the next 3 years. And if BP goes bankrupt, this obligation will have a pretty low position in a forced asset dispersal.

    So, Obama looks like he swung a pretty big dick here - as Joe Biden might say, Big $20 billion!! Whose to say that a year or two down the road, very little of that $20 Billion will be realized.

    Sounds like a thug at school stealing someone's lunch money. Target shows up with $5 for lunch money on the first day, thug steals it, and crows that he will be getting $1000 dollars (assuming 180+days of school) from the victim. Problem is, maybe the victim will show up with less money some days, not show up some days, or maybe transfer out of that school.

  8. I've been hearing liberals tell us that BP has to be forced to put that money into an escrow fund because "they can't be trusted", but apparently, the government can.

    Do the words "Social Security" ring a bell with anyone??

  9. I'm sure the money will be deposited, not in a government account where it might get siphoned off, but in a nice, safe interest bearing account belonging to the DNC where we all know know it will be well used.

  10. pryorguy said... "hey, why did you want to be president anyway?"

    He DOES NOT 'want to be President' - he just likes to play one on TV...


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