Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Curb Your Enthusigasm

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According to one major supermarket tabloid (which, in today's idiotic media environment, is about as trustworthy as anything else) the real reason Al Gore's 40-year marriage broke up is because he was having a 2-year affair with environmental activist Laurie David, the ex-wife of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" star, Larry David.

Laurie David is considered one of Hollywood's most-liberal liberals, and has a long history of involvement in environmental causes, perhaps including the energy-saving "share a shower with Big Al" program.

Of course, all of these big money divorces end up sending the various players to their own individual mansions, thereby vastly increasing the carbon footprints of the people involved. But apparently that didn't matter to Al or Laurie...who can exempt themselves from environmental regulations because of their presumed intellectual and moral superiority.

But on the bright side, maybe Larry and Tipper can spend a little quality time together... and perhaps think of ways to kick Global Warming in the keester for the next season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm."

"You know, Laurie, every night I sleep alone a polar bear dies."


  1. Looking at that pic, she (Laurie) looks pretty cute. Too bad she's such a whackjob.

  2. Poor al,that's what happens when you allow billy boy clinton to be your mentor.

  3. I'm sorry, but I just gotta ask: is the High Priest of Earth Worship really leering so openly, or was this picture Photoshopped?! No matter either way: this is freakin' hilarious. I just love watching these liberals who think themselves the moral compasses of the world falling to their utter lack of any sort of character...

  4. Tipper is well rid of him... and having already had him, I'm sure Laurie David is done with him, too. Maybe he can get a date with a polar bear...

  5. Emmentaler- (who, I believe, must be a distant cousin?) after a thorough investigation of all source material and office computers, I have discovered that Al's beady eyes were indeed photoshopped! Hey, I can't read the news looking for material all day without allowing myself a little fun!


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