Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Seeping on the Job

Pressure - both physical and political - continues to build as concerns grow that the containment cap placed over BP's leaking oil well may actually be causing "seepage" of oil and hydrocarbons through multiple locations in the seafloor.

Should that occur, it may be almost impossible to stop the new leaks (or collect the oil) on a permanent basis...and the first 3 months of Obama's "Katrina" will be looked back on fondly as "the good old days."

It's highly ironic that a proposed fix for a problem could potentially make it so much worse. But, as is the case with Obamacare, it's not all that surprising.


  1. Crimony. How long have we been drilling for oil? What's so special about this well that makes it so difficult? Oh! The fact that BP went cheap against the objections of their contractors? The fact that Obama's folks gave BP an award just before this problem? Or is it that bureaucrats and lawyers were precisely the wrong people to send to the gulf when this occurred such a now-very-long-time ago?

    Wait, wait! No! Of course not! It's Bush's fault...

  2. I thought it was hard because of all the gov't regulations banning drilling in the shallows....so its harder to access this particular well....????

  3. Billions of gallons either not released or retrieved! Thanks, Barry!

  4. Bam wants to open the cap as originally planned. Not doing so will put pressure on the pipe line possibly bursting it and causing more damage.

    The "crude" reality is this decision is more about helping scientists estimate exactly how much oil was leaking to better access the legal damage and how much BP pays.

    Is more legislation and government the only and best solution to everything? Is this the only solution our President knows?

    I thought the gulf needed boats not boat loads of lawyers...

  5. Angie - Is more legislation and government the only and best solution to everything? Is this the only solution our President knows?

    Um, yeah, they're PROGRESSIVE like that - more government is ALWAYS the answer.

  6. EL,
    What makes this so special is the depth that they are drilling at. Both BP and the state of Louisiana wanted to drill in shallow water. The Feds insisted that they drill in deep water.

  7. Something is not right. I know, nothing has been right since "The One" was elected. But about the oil crisis, could this be an elaborate 'end around' for Barry to denigrate the oil producers? Impose a moratorium on all drilling to satisfy the outer limit far right and then be 'forced' to collect the oil from the spill thus 'saving America'. That would reinforce his 'I know better than you' attitude. Since his election I have become a card-carrying conspiracy crackpot. But nothing makes sense to me since we elected him. He always chooses the wrong path for America and then pushes it through. And so far, we have let him get away with it. Call me what you will, but something is wrong.

  8. CM: Is this THE ONLY well drilled at this depth?

  9. Pete(Detroit) You are correct!

    I try to give our Prez the benefit of the doubt, but still can't see the logic. Like Anonymous said, something's wrong and the only answer must be conspiracy because it just can't be that nuts...

    What we have here is not an Leader, the head of the Executive Branch but a senator who sneaked into the White House. Sort of a mole of the Legislative branch. "Hey, let's get one of US in there and we'll control this whole thing!"

    We need an Executive to lead us through our mess, then the Legislative can go in afterward to make/change appropriate laws if need be and Judicial to interpret those laws down the road, applying them to new times. At least that's what they taught how it works in 2nd grade.

    Pete(Detroit)- did they change that too?!

    Something certainly is wrong...


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