Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Yellowed Pages

On July 20th, 41 years ago, newspaper headlines proclaimed "Men Walk On Moon!" It was an incredible accomplishment, and the whole world cheered.

But where are such headlines now? In fact, in this era of "Hope and Change," where's the good news period?

We can't blame the president for circumstances that are beyond his control. But we do blame him for what seems to be the death of national optimism. Far from inspiring us to rise to great challenges and accomplishments, Barack Obama shows no passion except when criticizing America's past, disparaging free enterprise, and denigrating his political opponents.

And the future he both predicts and shapes is not one of achievements, but one of entitlements and debts which have been described by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as the single greatest threat to our national security.

To paraphrase the movie title, we'd like to go "Back To A Future" - back to a time in which our nation believed the future really would be better, and presidents inspired us and challenged us to accomplish great things.

In 1961, John F Kennedy made it NASA's primary mission to put a man on the moon.

In 2010, Barack H Obama made it NASA's primary mission to increase the self-esteem of Muslims.

And increasingly, the only good news is very, very old news.


  1. Hopeless hussein hates America. Hopeless hussein hates anything that has American orgin. How else can you explain what Hopeless hussein is doing to us?

  2. Great job of contrast and compare, Stilton! And Kennedy is a great example to pick from - another young, "saviorish" leader that the Dems salivated over uncontrollably. But look at the extremes! Your comparison is an incredible indication of the ever continuing DECLINE of the Democratic party: No longer is there any focus on the greatness of America. No longer is there a focus on any achievements or progress on any front other than the formation of the ultimate in welfare states. No longer is there any focus on actions to promote the American way of life as superior to others. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

    This cartoon could have ended with the exploding head as well...

  3. LOL! I love today's comic!!!!!

    Actually I'd kinda like to read the papers from the first few weeks after 9/11 again...when the entire country was banding together in prayer and love...patriotism was at an all-time high....flags waving proudly from fire trucks and buildings...and we banded together as a country against anyone who would destroy us, no matter our differences.

    If we could have read the 2010 headlines back then...we'd have been appalled...and it wasn't even really that long ago. :-(

  4. Funny thing, w/ attitudes like inspiring the future, cutting taxes (and increasing revenue in the process), blatant militarism (bay of pigs, missile crisis) he'd be center-right wing.
    And crucified in the press for his 'peccadilloes' w/ women not his wife.

    To paraphrase - "Ask not what change can do for you, but what can you do for change"
    Hmmm, may have to write that down...

  5. Unfortunately, what an increasing number of Americans are doing for change is standing on street corners asking for it from passersby ...


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