Friday, August 27, 2010

Sleazy As ABC

A deeply worried nation was finally able to release a collective sigh of relief when ABC announced as "breaking news" that the president is enjoying his vacation.

Oh sure, they could have reported on the increasingly troubling economic news, the collapse of the so-called "recovery summer," or the exploding violence of Mexican drug cartels near America's unguarded southern border...but all of those stories are covered endlessly on Fox News, and ABC was eager to finally get an exclusive story.

And as if that weren't bad enough, ABC News has now been caught using an aggressive actor to try to cause a confrontation with an anti-Ground Zero mosque protestor. So not only are they reporting non-news, they're actually trying to fake news stories to promote their liberal agenda.

Here at Hope n' Change, we think this is why the mainstream media is no longer even remotely relevant or trustworthy as a meaningful news source.

We'll give you further bulletins as warranted.

Clearly, America's glamorous "first couple" are having a ball together.


  1. Ohg my GAWD!!! you see that look??? not the disgusted somebody had to do it thank the G that's over. The look on MRS President. I KNOW that look. YOU know that look. SHE IS MAKING KITTENS!!!! The first Marxesse is PREGGERS !! He closed his eyes tight thought about sinking that short putt into Tiger thought about Tiger's Woodie or maybe the Wookie he used to watch over and over and over back in HA-WHY-EEEEEE on the DVD with little TV back when it were just He and Capt. WeeWee and DID THE DEED. Now THAT's a November surprise! Oooops. Sorry MISTER President. I must have miscounted. one two many Docareeee's hee hee hee.

  2. I am sincerely sorry if I offended anyone. I hope you leave my comment but if it is too much for some....
    It is my opinion and judgement that the looks on our President and his lovely wife indicate a state of being "with child". Did she go to Lourdes when in Europe recently? Talk to the Pope? Lose her Secret Service detail for a bit at some point? We wish her well.

  3. Ya know? If there is further evidence required to the abysmal state of US Journalism, I don't know what it might be. They've been slapped again and again for fabrications... Even an ADHD seven year old on Mountain Dew knows enough to stop certain behaviors when they are again and again caught at it and chastised.

    Hey mainstream media: we SEE you. Time to come out of your not-so-effective hiding place and put that sheepish "I've been caught" look on your face.

    Better yet: move back to the communist country where you learned your trade...

  4. Obama is what we call "A Big Hat & No Cattle".

  5. Moronpolitics- Your comment is fine. And frankly, we've suspected for quite awhile that the first family may be working on "sinking the short putt" in order to announce a Whitehouse pregnancy as a desperate ploy to try to win back a little of the "Camelot" magic.

    Frankly, that was our very thought when selecting the picture that accompanied today's cartoon: we imagine the first lady checking her egg timer five minutes earlier, and telling Barack "it's time to make some magic." And gosh, he seems delighted at the prospect.

  6. Wow why does the thought of her pregnant remind me of the movie ALIEN.

  7. When I saw this same photo yesterday, my first thought was who designed Michelle's top? It looked like it was made of remnants and discards from someone's sofa and curtains. A moment later I thought, "She's pregnant." If so, will we have a little Barack-Barack or a little Michelle-Michelle?

  8. If it's not a girl ... well, you know some guys make girls and some guys make boys... we're talking sperm gender here, ok? Some make a little of this or that, but --- you can find the odds somewhere, but each time you father a child of the same sex the statistical odds that you will have another increase. If you have fathered 6 or 8 of the same gender the chances of getting the other become astronomical. Of course, if you live in the right state you can can say you had a problem with one of your pregnancies and abort abort abort whilst trying to get the other. My sister in law with 3 healthy male "children" aborted SIX healthy male "cell blobs" or "blastocysts" or whatever until she magically got a female non-human thingamajig which she made human by her powers of womanhood and saying "i'll keep this one." WOW, the delivery was easy as pie. Oddly enough her little girl doesn't look much like her brothers, but who cares? I think she fed enough feti to the fishes. But then I'm a gynocophobic or something.

  9. Buzz,
    The movie "Alien" is a good one, but the first movie that came to my mind (I am dating myself here) is the scene in "Rosemary's Baby" where the devil makes Rosemary pregnant.

    Back to the subject... We need to cut the MSM a break. There really isn't any news out there anymore. I mean, c'mon, who wants to hear trivial stuff like Iran's nukes, or the 70% of Americans that are pissed off about the NY mosque, or rampant joblessness.... or...?

  10. Looking at the trend-lines for his job approval ratings, you gotta feel sorry for the guy if Michelle is his only chance to experience a "rise in pole" number.

  11. alan- Somewhere, in your honor, a drummer just smacked out a rimshot.

  12. If the First Wookie is pregnant that's their business, but I wonder how quickly the overpopulation Nazis will jump all over them for adding to the global problem. Of course, as members of the ruling class they wouldn't be considered as adding to the number of "useless eaters", would they?
    As for Anonymous' comment about "discards from someone's sofa and curtains"...Carol Burnett did it so much better (wish I had a link, but you fellow geezers know what I'm talking about).

  13. They also could have reported that illegals are now avoiding the bordres but are coming in by boat all along the coast. I guess it time to mine the entire gulf, pacific and atlantic waterways with shallow explosives. These illegals must be stopped at all cost and all point of entery in this country plugged for the next 25 years while massive deportation takes place.

  14. Hmmm.... a romantic vacation in Spain. They have two black daughters and now... they will have one MOOR child. Sort of a CORDOBAN color. That's half way between Black and Spaini... I mean Brown. They sell shoes that color. Then, she comes back and says... we have to take a VACATION because..... Right about then Sasha says.... "Daddy... What's a cuckhold???" " Oh and Mommy said she found somebody to plug up the hole." "If my brother's Daddy is a King.. is that why you call me Princess?" Kid's are so cute aren't they? " Daddy is it called an anchor baby if 'cause those SAILORS Mommy met all had those tatoo's?"


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