Thursday, September 2, 2010

National Headache

As if there weren't already enough negative economic indicators, experts are now saying that the current recession has caused the American birth rate to drop to its lowest level in at least a century.

The reasoning is simple: people simply can't afford to have children if they have no jobs, companies aren't hiring, taxes are high, and the future is so uncertain. Or to put it bluntly, as long as the economy is screwed, nobody else will be.

Fortunately, the experts here at "Hope n' Change" are predicting that birth levels will recover in the near future, with an "Obaby Boom" beginning exactly 9 months after the current president is voted out of office.



  1. Possible that the long, dark night of Obama may be negatively impacting the conception rate, but I doubt it's having that much effect on sexual congress. Of course, depression is a factor in limp libidos, and there's plenty of depression of all types associated with this regime, but you must admit that basic human urges are only restrained, not denied entirely (Catholic priests excepted...sometimes).

  2. Angry Hoosier Dad- We're sure you're right that sexual congress is still far more popular than the Democrat-controlled Congress. And people are cutting back on entertainments like cable TV, movies, restaurants, and vacations (except the first family, of course), and need to find something to do. But birth control is being used more conscientiously because prospective parents are now afraid to bring children into Obama's world of "Hope and Change."

  3. Either that, or they bought into that nutjob's manifesto, the guy that took over Discovery, wanted to sterilize people to stop 'parasitic infants'...

  4. Until health care is repealed, I imagine the current rates will not rise too much. Who wants to have babies without medical care, of course except immigrants and those on Medicaid....

  5. This is off the subject, but has been nagging me for awhile, so I'll air it here: A recent story in World Net Daily (which is a bit "fringy", I know) spoke of 0bama's "adopted half sister" passing away recently. Since we are all wondering just why 0bama is so strenuously resisting any attempt to expose his birth certificate, what if he, too, was adopted and is the product of TWO non-US parents?


  6. Emmentaler:
    Wasn't Baracky's mother married to a Muslim at the time, and isn't adoption prohibited by Islam?

  7. No idea, Hoosier! Not a muslim. Nor have I played one on radio nor television. Nor do I plan to...

    Just damned curious regarding what could possibly be on that document that would cause 0bama to spend such a fortune to make it the government's most top secret document.

  8. Good comments all....this is off the subject too I guess...

    I notice in the mosque controversy, when referring to Americans of the Muslim faith, they use the word 'muslims'. Now, Im native American but I consider myself just a plain old American. Why can not 'muslim-americans' think of themselves as Americans first, who subscribe to the muslim faith? I dont recall anyone feferring to Ben Stein and others as 'jews'.

    And, as Americans just as the rest of us are, where is the compassion for their fellow Americans who will mourn their 9/11 dead from now on? Maybe if the news guys, fox included, would look at them as 'Americans', which they legally are, and stop the muslim-instead-of-american label...well, I dont know if it would do any good...just some thots I had. Wheres the compassion though for fellow citizens?

  9. Pryorguy, I'm thinking if they are TRULY "Muslims" that a very good percentage of them prefer to be called such. It is not inherant in them to love America. So....probably, in calling them "Muslims" its probably just telling the truth.

    Jews don't go around blowing things up either...they sort of blend in as...Americans. Like everyone else does or should. Muslims have a hard time with that.

    Anyway...really, a court should totally just make the President show his stupid birth certificate. If its in the Constitution that they must be natural born citizen, you'd think it would be kinda necessary to go ahead and prove that pretty much 100% certain before you even RUN...let alone sit in office a coupla' years....

  10. Suzy:
    As a protected minority, Obama will never be called upon to prove anything, including competence.

  11. Actually the lowest birth rate ever is a good thing and lets hope it continues. people are getting smart. No enough money to raise a kid and why bring them into a socialist world of bozo's. It would be my hopes that soon the government will regulate only two children per family and that's only if you can prove financial responsibility. The rest get sterilized and poverty comes to an end. Legilation such as this should have taken hold in the 1960. maybe between population control and closing all point of entry into this country for the next 25 years in conjunction with immediate deportataion of all illegal aliens we'll get this USA down to 200,000,000 or less. We are running out of resource and far to crowded in America.

  12. Anonymous (immediately above)- While we worry about overpopulation too, we don't much like the idea of the government being the ones to decide who will have kids or how many. That being said, we're all for having a very finite amount of government assistance that can go to any one family (or more specifically, any one mother).

    Sadly, this would mean that if some nitwit decides to have 4 babies without a means to support them...we'd just have to say "too bad" and let nature take its course.

    Put walls around the borders, and de-incentivize out of wedlock births, and we'll be off to a good start.

  13. Another unintended consequence of such a birth limit/birth control scheme is the eventual extinction of those around us. In any case, you'll end up with an aging society unable to fend off those who are much more like rabbits - say the mexicans or the muslims. Of course, the wlefare recipients will make up for any loss of production there because they are rewarded by the government for bring more into the world. But, then, I repeat myself...

  14. Sorry but low birth rate ever is NOT a good thing unless you want world Islam faster. Islamic leaders all but ORDER certainly encourage large families and they say it is to help with the spread of Islam. This is just another example of the Europeanization of the USA. Check birth rates by race, religion and ethnicity for europe and then think. The wealthier and more educated people are in jewish and Christian homes the fewer children. When times are bad poor people drink more and birth more. These be facts.

  15. I'm trying hard to remember out of long long ago literature and movies, very old ones - was the saying that women in wartime increased or decreased fertility. we know when their men were leaving, and they were going to be home alone, they easily got pregnant - but what about the ones in the war, i.e., it was being fought where they lived?

    Just wondering if folks not getting pregnant prolly have not "let up" their activities - maybe they are getting down to "fighting weight"???

    Too young to be involved in past wars myself but loved the oldies - too old for it to matter to me - but both my boys were born in "double man child" years, only two in my lifetime.
    Ordinary classes might be twenty kids nearly half and half - those two years - 36-40 with only 4-8 girls total.
    Mighty hard to buy clothes for 12-15 years, til all ages were the same sizes.
    I've never seen a low birth season.
    One lady told me 5 yrs after the youngest child was born was a double girl year, and she had one of those. A multitude of "Princesses" born that year, I have some great-nieces from that.

    Just wonderin'...


  16. ...Suzy said,
    I've always wondered how long a brain surgeon could get by without showing his bonafides after the questions start rolling like this.

    What is it exactly that's supposed to make Dims feel bright for covering for him to help him NOT have to show his...

    I figure he is most afraid of Dims for what is in them, as he knows the Dims would cover for him against Conservatives - so he is not afraid of Conservatives.
    Therefore, what he is afraid of folks knowing is something that would upset the Dims!

    Jis sayin'...

  17. Well, it’s amazing. The miracle has been done. Hat’s off. Well done, as we know that “hard work always pays off”, after a long struggle with sincere effort it’s done.

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