Friday, October 29, 2010

Do These Genes Make Me Look Liberal?

At a time when it seems good news is rare from the medical field, researchers at Harvard and UC San Diego have announced that they've discovered the "liberal gene."

The gene, which affects dopamine receptors (which we assume means making people more receptive to dope and/or dopes) is significantly correlated with political ideology...especially in people who were popular and socially active in high school. Or, to put it in less politically-correct terms, "people who were elitists and ran in cliques."

Happily, identifying the gene means that there is now real hope for a "cure for the common liberal" in the not-too-distant future.

To be specific, this coming Tuesday.



  1. I thought this would be the gene for altruism and generosity as in "do you wanna smoke some of this dopamine?" Liberals generally are more of type "why don't we smoke some of that dopayours? Of course, they don't say whether the dopamine "receptors" are increased or decreased in activity. What about the dopatheira "handouters"?

  2. Unfortunately, the conclusion drawn by "scientists" is that conservatives lack this important gene. It explains why we are so bigoted, hate-filled and violent don't you know.
    Just watch and see if that doesn't make it to The View, Olberdouche and The Daily Show.

  3. Angry Hoosier, "scientists" have long since already determined that conservatives are only conservative due to psychological dysfunction and disorder. So now that it's found that liberalism is genetic is hardly a surprise.

    Strangely enough, I'm inclined to believe that liberalism may in fact have a genetic component. Generations ago, "natural selection" tended to limit its numbers in the general population. But decades of affluence in the west and seemingly easy living have allowed its carriers to survive and flourish.

    The only question now is now many carriers of this genetic defect can a modern society tolerate before "natural selection" again takes over control.

  4. In the last few days, the snarky, nasty comments heard on "The View" and from the elitist NPR executives show that liberal females still fight their battles with the tools that worked so well in their grade school cliques. I suppose there may be some liberal women who grow up to be a little nicer, but they err again when they turn their own guilt over past misdeeds into preachy political correctness and continue to assume they are better than others.

  5. A liberal gene? No wonder so many of them are fans of eugenics.. they want to breed more that are just like them, now they can claim to have scientific justification for trying


  6. John the Econ:
    I think there's an anti-religious component to this as well. "Enlightened" scientists are agnostic or atheistic or otherwise antagonistic toward God. The idea that so many, if not most, conservatives are religious believers is further cause to find us "deficient" in some way. This is another brick in the wall that separates them from the knuckle-dragging troglodytes, you

  7. Time for another dose of chlorine in the gene pool.

  8. I politely disagree that religion is a mandate for Conservatism as many demand it has to be. There are many on this list who will openly demean and deride me - and those who would think it but not say it ... because I am a Witch - in some churches and groups "a Godless Heathen" who can't be good for our wonderful nation. Those folks are very wrong - but who cares. I don't. The main point is ... I am known far and wide as a VERY Right Wing Conservative! I am sooooo far right ... I don't even make left hand turns (levity not reality). Each and everyone who inextricably (sp) ties "real conservatives" to Christian beliefs, to the exclusion of others, only drives away those of 'lesser constitution' and stamina! Yes, the founding fathers based our form of governemnt on the Christian God and the protection of him for our country. I have, and will continue to fight for keeping God in our schools, our government, workplace, Pledge of Allegiance, etc, etc, etc. As that is what this country is all about. It was founded with these things and it should stay that way! I vote to keep them whenever it comes up as well. They do NOT bother me in the least - freedom of choice you know. When the A@@holes try to get it changed / removed / covered etc ... I 'get on my high horse' and give them 'what for' - vehemently. NOT because I believe your God is the ONLY God a Conservative should believe in - but because it is RIGHT and part of Our Countries Heritage! When the Old Guard of the Republican Party and even some Tea Party groups finally get the stick out of their collective butts and realize that you can be a damn good conservative and back the proper candidates needed for the survival of our nation - and still disagree on some things like religion / abortion and other 'hot button topics' we would have a much more formidable group to run our great and wonderful nation with! As long as people are ostracized from the conservative groups because they are not Christians, they believe in abortion, they believe in gay rights or any other one of many 'hot buttons' there are a large number of very good conservatives that are pushed away - driving them right into the Liberal camps (who often dislike them as well, but lie to them so they can get their votes)! If we conservatives - all of us - don't hang together - we shall surely hang seperately! Off my soapbox now ...

  9. Doc-N.Nevada:
    I don't know who put the bee in your bonnet, but since I'm the only one on this thread who mentioned religion, I will assume you were responding to me (apologies if I'm wrong).
    First, I referenced "religious believers" not Christians. I think a fair survey of conservatives would bear out that most of us are religious believers. I have no idea how many Wicca members would be among us. I would gladly assume you're not the only one.
    Second, I am not aware of any Tea Party groups that have a religious "stick up their butt". Almost all of them are rightly focused on fiscal responsibility and smaller government. That some may focus on social conservatism doesn't push away those who don't share those concerns and I don't know anybody who is "ostracized from the conservative groups because they are not Christians". If you do, then you should seek out another Tea Party group or start your own. That's the great thing about the Tea Party; that it is truly grass-roots. Nobody here is out to crush your beliefs. Don't worry, be happy...oh, and don't cast a spell on me, OK? ;)

  10. Doc & Angry Hoosier Dad- Wow, what an interesting thread! Glad that everyone is playing nice, though. For the record, conservative Wiccans are welcome here, as are conservative everyone else. Politics plays a big part in our lives, but not the only part. And what's important is how we bring our own individual sense of morality to guiding the political process.

    For some people, that will come from church. For others, different spiritual paths. And for some, nothing more complicated than caring about others and practicing the Golden Rule.

    The government should not be involved in saving souls (or converting religious beliefs), but it must be guided by a citizenry that is invested in morality, however people individually come by it.

  11. I just think its hilarious that this study has all but admitted that liberalism is some sort of mutated gene. haha. In other words...being conservative is NORMAL but being liberal is "something I inherited from grandpa". LOL.

    Which I dunno...but if you read much from the "old days" I haven't read of many people like its definitely a mutation. In the brain.

  12. A gene causes one to be liberal-minded? I guess then it's not their fault so we back off and let them do as they please? Isn't it time some folks started taking responsiblilty for how they are? Now scientists are giving them a pass , hey they cant help it!!

    What the liberal progresives are doing is getting their foot in the door, the green movement, etc, is NOT where it will stop! Van Jones and others of his ilk are on record as putting that forth: that this is only the beginning. Ronald Reagan said it best about National Health Care: its the first step in taking a country into socialism! It's on YOUTUBE>>

  13. Huh! OK. I'll bite: are these the same "scientists" that keep promulgating global warming / change / climate disruption?

  14. Doc-Nevada. I'm also a "nonbeliever" in the normal sense of the word. But I agree with Stilton. What's most important is that we can agree on what IS moral. The ten commandments nailed down the specifics pretty well. The Golden Rule and a conscience take care of most other transgressions. Oddly enough I'm like you. I'm a proud and patriotic conservative. I proudly recite the Pledge and have no problem saying, "one nation under God." I am in awe of our founding fathers who saw the tyranny of all previous forms of government and put together a framework of checks and balances to ensure indivdual liberty. I'm always moved by these words from The Declaration of Independence - "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." We may put different labels on who the Creator is/was, but we can certainly agree that the creation of America was truly exceptional. And we will do everything we can to protect the original intent of her founders.

  15. Anonymous (above)--I wonder how many of us would recite the Pledge if we all knew that the Founders were opposed to loyalty oaths in general. It's an offshoot of "innocent until proven guilty", I think.
    I wonder who will be willing to give liberals a pass on their treason just because "it's in their genes", though. We pull weeds from our gardens even though it's just in their genes.


  16. Great comments today everyone. Mine is rather simple...I have found that that people with kids tend to lean to the right & those without to the left...maybe the 'Lib Gene' will eventually become extinct? And finally, thank you Stilton, at long last I now know why I'm such a ultra-right conservative.....I was a nerd in high school!

  17. Doc N - Funny, while I totally agree w/ your main point (that we need to 'not sweat the small stuff') I totally disagree one of your specifics; to wit, the pledge. "Under God" having been added in the 50's ( to distinguish us from those evil godless commies (like the guy who WROTE it..)
    It would not bother me a BIT to have it removed again (tho I *do* see the public recital of the Pledge as an overall good thing, reminding us of our common community)
    Also, the 'In God We Trust' on the common coinage - as a (purported) Christian, I'm personally offended to have God's name embossed on the 'thirty pieces of silver' in my pocket on a daily basis. Also added long after the Founding - specifically during the civil war to imply that God was on the side of the Union... Utterly disgusting.
    THAT Having been said, I agree fully - the over emphasis of "micro" (to us) issues of abortion, gay rights, etc serves only to drive 'single issue' "conservatives" to the "other side" - perhaps it *is* time for a 'new' definition of what "conservative" is - or perhaps we need a new word 'Anti-Statist' - if that's our real goal...
    Remember - Personal Freedom implies Personal Responsibility - and there are many who truly want neither.
    Good post!

  18. Crap!! Forgot to add the link on the coinage..

  19. This forum of CIVILIZED discourse is EXACTLY why I read and occasionally post here. Thanks for making it happen Stilton!

    Angry Hoosier Dad .. I wish it was NOT so, but if you are a Republican, it is quite common out here in the West anyway, for differing groups (including main stream Republican Party Organizations)to "refuse to contribute or back you" in a campaign run - IF you do not follow the EXACT plank they set: ex's. You MUST be Anti-Abortion (and state it loud and often) You MUST be a regular Christian church goer. You MUST be Anti-gay rights/marriage, etc. Unfortunately, it is something we are used to here. Good people never get a chance just because they will not tell the Old Guard 'what they want to hear' and thusly ensure they get the needed funds and political exposure and backing to win in a run for almost any office.

    Unfortunatly, forming my own group is A PERFECT EXAMPLE of what the Lib/Socialists WANT me to do! That divides the true Conservative vote across too many people or candidates! That is NOT the solution in my book, nor in many of my friends books either. We need to put aside, as Conservatives, the miniscule points of morality / religious beliefs of a person and determine only if they are a 'good and moral basic person' and if they are willing to act accordingly as an "Anti-Statist" representative. NOTHING MORE! I don't care if they do or do not believe in abortion, gay rights, or who (or what) they may or may not worship. A codicil here ... even though they claim it is a religion I really don't think Islam is a moral religion as they purport killing all who do not believe as they do - so no, I would NOT personally say there are any Muslim believers I want running my city, state or country. All others are fine as every religion I have ever studied (that includes most of them) preach / teach similar things like the Golden Rule - and NO, not the one that says "he who has the most gold makes the rules". The original! LOL! They also mostly have very similar things to the Christian Ten Commandments as their basic tenets.

    Pete in Detroit ... My whole main point is there are so many different groups out there right now who ALL have their 'key planks' and force other groups to be formed simply because of issues that basically have no business being the business of the government. I want our elected officials to go back to doing ONLY what was intended - regardless of their faith, belief in gay rights or abortion (just to repeat the 3 largest forms of contention among so many conservatives that I know). These things DO NOT belong in campaigns!

    If we get back to the basics, we conservatives will have no problem getting rid of the Liberals in ANY election, anywhere. But we must remember to not be divided into 7 Bazillion slpinter groups, each with a candidate - ever hear of "divide and conquer?" The Dems learned it well and have been practicing it for many years now - sucessfully I might add. When was the last time you actually SAW more than one known Dem on an election ballot? it is almost unheard of. However - there are often (after the primary has been held and counted) numerous people still running as "Republicans" - each with their own agenda. Guess what, most often the Dem wins! Divide and conquer!

    BTW ... thanks for the insitefull commants!

  20. Dr N - "Pete in Detroit ... My whole main point"

    Yep, got it the first time, and agree, fully. ((-'pb
    There ARE plenty of 'splinter groups' out there, mostly on the left, btw - the Greens, the Socialists, Lindon Larouch (well, not exactly a 'party', but a 'movement' anyway...) Personally, I'm always disappointed that the Libertarians don't get more traction, but they seem to attract the real wack jobs...
    In any event, yes, most 'rational' folk can agree to set aside the 'big three' issues until a) 'we' have more power and b) we've dealt w/ the REAL crises - spending, border security, energy independence. UN-fortunately, there are those to whom one or more of 'the big three' is a binary litmus test, as well as those who are willing to suck up to the Dems to keep their OWN gravy train rolling. THEY need to be replaced, and pronto. Not a problem *I* have, as pretty much ALL my representation (from Mayor up) is Dem..


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