Saturday, October 30, 2010

Short End of the Shtick

Today's Comedy Central-hosted "Rally to Restore Sanity" is now expected to be a truly historic occasion. Specifically, it will go down in history as the last time (for the foreseeable future) that liberals had anything to laugh about.

The event consists of two parts: the "Rally to Restore Sanity" in which liberal Jon Stewart will pound away at the Right wing, and the "March to Keep Fear Alive" in which liberal Stephen Colbert (while pretending to be an insane conservative) will pound away at the Right wing.

All of which could be moderately fun if the event was really and truly nothing more than a comedy event. But it stopped being that when alleged president Barack Obama endorsed the event, and dropped in on Stewart's show to tout the rally while promoting his own upcoming movie "Dude, Where's My Economy?" The hope is, of course, that the same ill-informed youth who consider Jon Stewart to be the "most trusted newsman" on television will make the big jump to becoming ill-informed voters.

The Huffington Post is supplying free bus rides to the event, and many other liberal bastions (and we do believe they're complete and utter bastions) are now working to claim the event as their own...trying to turn it into a last gasp of relevance before the electoral tidal wave hits.

So have fun at your little party, kids. The grown-ups are coming home Tuesday.



  1. "So have fun at your little party, kids. The grown-ups are coming home Tuesday."


  2. I will be there today-dressed as Lucy from Peanuts, and sitting at her "Psychiatric care" stand offering counceling for 5 cents. (The Doctor IS IN) I will have a list of phobias for folks to choose from, to see what they have, and my main RX for them? A copy of the bill of rights....

  3. "Complete and utter bastions." Loved it!!! Will there be any Jarlsberg cheese at this function?

  4. I'm getting so tired of comedies having a part in our political system at all. Anyone, liberal or conservative, who even thinks they should be remotely darkening the door of a comedian's studio has absolutely no common sense. I don't care if its Obama or Palin....they should be doing their duty to the country, not sitting around on talk shows or comedies. It just shows the immaturity and lack of seriousness that has nearly destroyed our country today.

  5. Perfectly appropriate for liberal comedians to host a "Restore Sanity" rally. Who needs sanity more than them? And in the perfect venue--DC, where more funny business goes on than anywhere else in America.

  6. "Keep the fear alive" - because, you know, other than fear, Dems have NOTHING to run on. You want MORE unemployment, MORE foreclosures, MORE debt, MORE taxes, MORE re-distribution? Go ahead, vote Dem. I guess they have to convince that the Reps will come and eat their children to make ANY kind of case...

  7. JoAnn- If you're dressed as a psychiatrist at the rally, maybe you can talk to Juan Williams about his (alleged) pathological fear of Muslims.

    Suzy- We mostly agree...but hasten to point out that comedy is appropriate political commentary, whether it comes from Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Jarlsberg. And it's the responsibility of the public to recognize the difference between "news" and "satire." Unfortunately, when politicians like Obama get involved, it further blurs an already indistinct line. The president should not be lending credence or gravitas to a make-believe newsman.

    Bob Mack- Now that you mention it, it is odd that comedians are trying to restore sanity.

    Pete(Detroit)- Republicans were going to eat poor children, but Michelle Obama cleverly got them all to lose they wouldn't be delicious anymore.

  8. I just find it appropriate they do the rally this weekend. What better time to try to scare people than Halloween weekend.

  9. Suzy:
    I would agree that Sarah Palin should not lower herself to appear on comedy shows if she's a sitting elected politician or current candidate. She is neither. She's a former governor and private citizen. I do think it's beneath the office of the president to do so, but Obama's never been about the proprieties of the office, just the perks.

  10. Bastion? Is that when your Mom and Dad never got married, like Obama?

  11. Really should be called, the "Rally to Mock Americans". Good luck getting the kids excited this time around, now that they're living in their parent's basements and even minimum-wage jobs are hard to come by.

  12. Angry Hoosier...I think it just opens a person up for disrespect and more occasion to be mocked...I think politicians (and anyone well known but not part of Hollywood, like Rush Limbaugh being on "Family Guy"...etc...) should be above the normal, "Saturday Night Live" amusement of the general populace.

    Its probably just me. haha. :-)
